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Unrivaled Dragon Lord novel Chapter 52

“Where do you get that large sum of money?”

From beginning to end, Greta was totally muddled. When she listened to the boisterous discussions of the audience, her whole mind went blank!

She looked at Maxwell dumbfoundedly and hastily said, “Say it quickly if you don’t have that large sum of money. I’ll call my father to send money over now.”

Maxwell smiled and said, “Don’t worry, President Greta, I have enough money.”

Within minutes, the staff came over and under everyone’s gazes, Maxwell directly took out a bank card and made a transaction without hesitation.

A crisp sound sounded. Greta felt that she was struck by lightning when she heard the voice prompt of the transaction of two hundred million yuan…Her exquisite and beautiful face was filled with incredulity…This guy was unexpectedly so rich!

How was this possible! He had to borrow even a few hundred yuan from her as living expenses…How could he have two hundred million yuan!

Greta’s exquisite face looked complicated when she gazed at Maxwell. She was speechless!

Not long after the transaction of two hundred million yuan was done, the staff carefully held an exquisite box and walked up to Greta, handing the box in his hand while smiling slightly, “Greta, accept it.”

Greta opened the box and her eyes widened when she looked at the string of the beautiful crystal necklace lying in the box. She stared at this string of crystal necklace and was amazed for a long time.

Seeing Greta’s reaction, Harriet who was standing at the side smiled and gently pushed Greta with her arm and said, “Greta, quickly try it.”

“No, I don’t want,” Greta replied, feeling that it was a dream as everything was so unreal.

“Why? It costs him two hundred million yuan to auction it for you.” Harriet’s eyebrows furrowed.

“Yeah, I purposely buy it for you, just receive it,” said Maxwell while smiling to please her.

“No, I don’t want it.” Greta’s face looked serious and showed a rarely seen stubbornness.

Maxwell was speechless as he did not expect that Greta would refuse to accept this crystal necklace…He had spent two hundred million yuan to auction this thing, but damned, she said she did not want!

She did not cherish his money at all!

“Quickly get someone for refund,” Greta said.

“Cannot, Greta. I have already paid and they will definitely not accept the request for a refund, this’s a rule, where have you seen auctions that allow refunds?” Maxwell smiled bitterly.

“Anyway, I don’t want it. You can give it to Harriet, if she doesn’t want it, just keep it for yourself.” No matter what did Maxwell say, Greta just turned a deaf ear to what he said.

“Yo, isn’t this President Greta who’s very famous in Ocean City?” All of a sudden, a sarcastic voice came from the side.

Greta looked at the direction the voice came from and saw a middle-aged woman who was dressed luxuriously coupled with gold and pearl jewellery, was walking towards her.

Greta slightly frowned. Maxwell who was slightly stunned, asked, “President Greta, you still know this kind of person?”

“Her name is Judy Morris and she’s from one of the wealthy and powerful noble families in Ocean City. Her husband is very fond of philandering and is a sugar daddy who has several mistresses outside,” Greta lowered her voice and said.

“Mrs. Judy,” Greta lightly nodded and greeted her.

“Miss Greta, I never expect that you’ll come to such a place. I’ve often heard that Miss Greta leads an otherworldly realm of lifestyle so I don’t expect that you will be interested in such mundane things as well.” Judy gazed at the exquisite box that contained the Azure Star. A hint of greed flashed in her eyes.

“Mrs. Judy, if you like it, there will be some decent collections too in the auction later,” Greta faintly spoke.

“I think I heard you said you don’t want it just now, right? Then why don’t you give it to me,” Judy said loudly in a voice dripping with sarcasm and this instantly attracted people’s attention.

Greta frowned, “Mrs. Judy, this necklace has other uses for me, I’m sorry to reject your request.”

Judy sneered, “What can you do with it? If you don’t want to give me, I can just buy it. Three million yuan.”

On the side, Maxwell’s eyes were narrowed. Obviously, Judy was purposely making trouble. Three million yuan was much lower than the initial bid!

Only an idiot would make this deal!

Greta shook her head and her face looked cold, “Mrs. Judy, I won’t sell it no matter how much you pay me. It’s auctioned off by my driver, you go find him to ask for it.”

Finished speaking, Greta turned her body and walked towards the entrance of the auction scene.

But at this moment, Judy smiled icily and said loudly, “Stop pretending, a CEO’s driver can have two hundred million yuan? Aren’t you the one who actually wants it but you order your driver to buy it for you so that you will still seem to be otherworldly? It’s hilarious that you do bad things but you want to maintain a good reputation.”

Greta stopped her pace and slowly turned around, looking at Judy. Her face looked cold and her eyes flashed with unhappiness, “Mrs. Judy, please behave yourself.”

“What, did I say anything wrong? I haven’t settled with you yet regarding the matter that you seduced my husband last time like a bitch.” Judy crossed her hands at the waist and sneered.

Greta gazed at Judy coldly, “Mrs. Judy, please mind your words, it was your husband who tried to sexually harass me. Everyone in the company saw it at that time.”

“If you did not dress coquettishly like a vixen, would my husband do that to you?” Judy said while she raised her broad and fat hand to throw a slap at Greta.

Harriet’s face turned pale and it was already too late when she wanted to do something for Greta!

The spectators around found it interesting to see President Greta, who was famous in Ocean City being hit by a noblewoman. Indeed, the fight between the two women was much more interesting than men.

Of course, many people were even more interested to see how Greta fought with Judy without concerning her image until her hair and clothes looked dishevelled.

Just as Judy’s slap was in halfway, out of the blue, a shadow flashed beside Greta and acted like lightning!

A loud slap sounded. The scene that everyone craved to see did not happen. Greta stood in the original position and was all fine. On the other hand, Judy took a few steps backward!

Judy covered her cheeks. Her face that was full of makeup was swollen and it turned red!

The crowd observed carefully and saw that there was a red shoe print on Judy’s face!

“It’s a rarity to see a fat pig to open its mouth and speak human words.” Suddenly, a lazy voice sounded and the crowd looked at Maxwell in astonishment. What they saw was that Maxwell was barefoot, holding a leather shoe in his hand and casually picking his ear.


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