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Unrivaled Dragon Lord novel Chapter 64

Just as Cecilia was about to reach for Maxwell, he suddenly took a step backward. Cecilia caught nothing and fell over due to the force.

There came a loud bang. Cecilia picked herself up from the ground, glared at Maxwell with hatred, stood with her hands akimbo, and shouted furiously, “Who do you think you’re? Are you qualified to speak here? You asked me to shut up? Do you think you’re qualified to do so?”

“Son of bitch, we’ve shown you some respect since we didn’t ask you to get out! Poor social climber, do you really think that you’ve moved into the upper class?” Allison sneered and took a sip of the tea.

“Where are the security guards? Drive him out!” People at the table looked at Maxwell contemptuously and angrily.

Maxwell still looked calm, while Greta’s expressions changed slightly. She tried to help Maxwell, “He’s my husband. Don’t implicate him. Your target is me.”

“Targeting at you? Son of bitch, you two will not be able to get over this easily. I’ll handle him first, and then it’s your turn.” Cecilia grinned sardonically.

Greta instantly became sullen. Andreas, the host of today’s family feast, had had no reaction yet, while Allison and Cecilia took the initiative to make things difficult for Greta.

“Enough.” Charlie snorted and then mediated, “Stop this topic and put this matter to an end.”

Due to Charlie’s mediation, Allison and Cecilia could only hold back their anger, but there were still vicious intentions as well as discontent in their eyes. They glared at Maxwell and Greta before sitting down.

“Greta, I and your father are brothers. Since you’re now attending the family feast of the Sandoval family, shouldn’t you address me ‘Uncle Charlie’?” Charlie smiled warmly.

Greta nodded, “Uncle Charlie.”

“Great. Since you’re calling me ‘uncle’, we could all get over with the past. Let’s not mention it in the future.” Charlie chortled, “When we’re back to Beijing, you and your father can also come back with us.”

Greta was stunned for a moment. She then shook her head and explained, “Uncle Charlie, the Sandoval Group doesn’t plan to expand its business to Beijing, so I’m afraid that I can’t come back together with you.”

Charlie banged his wine glass on the table, causing the wine to spill out. He wore a sullen face and said, “Greta, you don’t need to worry about the affairs related to Sandoval Group. Andreas will stay in Ocean City and help you handle the business.”

Greta was stunned at the moment and furrowed her delicate brows. Charlie’s words had fully implicated his intention… This was a patent robbery!

Greta’s expressions turned cold, “Uncle Charlie, must you take over the Sandoval Group?”

“Greta, I suggest you to think twice before making the decision. Your father didn’t think it carefully and made a wrong decision back then, and was then driven out of the Sandoval family. I don’t hope the same thing to happen on you again.” Charlie said in a low voice.

“Thank you, but it’s unnecessary. I’ve made up my mind that even if the Sandoval Group will go bankruptcy, I will not transfer any of my shares to others.” Greta exuded an imposing aura and said resolutely and decisively.

Andreas suddenly reached out and smacked his hand down on the table.

The dining hall was engulfed by silence. Andreas slowly raised his head and glanced at Greta, “Greta… I’ve given you countless chances, but you gave up the chance again and again!”

“It was the first time for me to be so patient, just for the sake of you. If I really want to take over the Sandoval Group, do I have to apply these roundabout tricks?” Andreas said in a stern tone. He looked cold and horribly indifferent and ferocious!

Greta looked calm on the surface, but her heart was beating crazily. Andreas was telling the truth – If he wanted to take over the Sandoval Group, he could forcibly take it relying on the powers of the Sandoval family… A small company like the Sandoval Group was by no means a match for a super family in the capital city… But… What he wanted was to let Greta hand over the shares willingly.

This was a humiliation to Greta’s unyielding and tenacious characteristics! This was a defiance of her dignity!

Greta raised her face and said coldly, “Mr. Andreas, I thought I’ve made it clear. I would never hand over the shares of the Sandoval Group… Mr. Andreas, please drop this idea and don’t pester me for this matter.”

The atmosphere suddenly became intense and it felt like a battle was impeding. Andreas stared at Greta coldly and there was an unprecedented trace of killing intention in his eyes.


The word irritated Andreas instantly. He glared at Greta with horrible killing intentions in his eyes, as if he wished he could scourge her in the cruelest way!

He was Young Master Andreas, a specially privileged person in the capital city. Many women try to play up to him by selling their bacons, but he didn’t even give them a glance. Nevertheless, he was humiliated by this woman on his own home ground today! She said he was pestering her?

In Beijing and Ocean City, even in the whole China, few would dare to use this word on him! And Greta… was the first one to do so!

Andreas glared at Greta with his deep-set eyes… She had embarrassed him in the public and caused him to feel ashamed. He couldn’t bear such kind of humiliation!

Right at this moment, Allison suddenly stood up, stepped forward and rushed towards Greta with horrible killing intentions.

“Shut up! Bitch, you’re just the daughter of a bastard son. Who do you think you’re to scold Andreas? You’re not eligible to talk here! I’ll give you a slap as a punishment.” Allison stepped forward, raised her hand, and reached it for Greta’s tender, fair face.

Greta subconsciously took a step backward and her expressions changed. She hadn’t expected that Allison would suddenly resort to violence.

But it was too late for her to react and dodge the slap. Allison’s slap was heading towards her face and was about to land on her tender cheek.

Right at this moment, a hand was reached out from aside and grasped Allison’s arm. Then there came a loud bang.


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