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Unveiling The Genius Behind The Divorce novel Chapter 59

Chapter 59 She Has Medical Skills 

Upon hearing the familiar name, Aylin’s expression faltered slightly, and then she bowed her head to take a sip of coffee.

Great coffee, refreshing and sweet, leaves a pleasant aftertaste. With just one sip, it feels like your throat is being nourished.

After a while, she put down her coffee cup and her thin lips parted slightly, “Mr. Bennett, would you mind if I check Old Mr. Bennett’s pulse rate?”

Upon hearing this, the people who were advising Benjamin were all stunned.

Howard and Julia exchanged surprised glances, while Suzanne’s almond-shaped eyes widened in disbelief as she looked at Aylin. “Aylin, you know medical skills too?”

Although she knew that Aylin had many hobbies, she had never heard her mention checking pulse rates before.

Aylin didn’t elaborate much, but she smiled and said, “I wouldn’t say I’m an expert, just know a little bit. If you don’t mind, I’d like to give it a try for Old Mr. Bennett.”

“What’s there to mind or not mind!” Benjamin immediately agreed, “It’s just checking the pulse rate, come on, Aylin, take a look and see if I can drink alcohol!”

Even at this moment, he hasn’t forgotten about drinking alcohol.

Julia turned to the housekeeper and asked for a wrist cushion. Benjamin efficiently rolled up his sleeves and placed his wrist on it.

Aylin’s pale fingertips gently touched Benjamin’s pulse, carefully feeling the throbbing within his

blood vessels.

The living room fell silent for a moment.

Everyone couldn’t help but wonder what Aylin would say. Even the housekeeper standing at the door stretched her neck, trying to catch a glimpse of the conversation.

Aylin’s expression was focused, yet without any fluctuations. She didn’t even furrow her brow, as if this task was a piece of cake for her.

After a moment, she withdrew her hand and thoughtfully asked, “Old Mr. Bennett, do you often feel chest tightness and shortness of breath, tossing and turning at night? Sometimes when you finally fall asleep, you wake up inexplicably in the middle of the night? Also, did your cough just get better recently?”

Julia was shocked!

She often attended to Benjamin, and she couldn’t be more familiar with his situation.

Chapter 59 She Has Medical Skills


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Incredible… Aylin, what you sald is exactly like Dad’s symptoms, not a single word off!”

Aylin nodded, “That’s right. These are the symptoms of liver stagnation and energy deficiency. You can’t touch alcohol anymore. Just take some medicine and adjust your body properly, and it

shouldn’t be a big problem.”

The group exchanged glances, their eyes filled with both shock and joy as they looked at Aylin.

“Aylin, you have this talent too? Why have you never told me before?” Suzanne asked in surprise.

Howard recovered from his astonishment and couldn’t help but marvel, “Indeed, it’s surprising that despite your young age, your medical skills are so proficient.”

Aylin wrote down the prescription, smiling faintly, “When I was studying, I happened to meet a teacher who came from a family of doctors. He took a liking to me and taught me a bit.”

“So that’s how it is…” Julia suddenly understood and couldn’t help but admire. “It’s because you seem sensible that the teacher is willing to teach you. If you were as mischievous and restless as Suzanne, the teacher wouldn’t want to teach you.”

“What? Mom, you’re just looking down on me now!”

Suzanne’s lips immediately puckered up.

Julia playfully scratched Suzanne’s nose, while her eyes couldn’t help but examine Aylin.

She and Benjamin thought about it together, and the more they looked at Aylin, the more they liked her. They couldn’t help but want to marry her off to their son right away.

Who wouldn’t want a daughter-in-law from a well-off family, beautiful and generous, with a deep understanding of her roots and a calm state of mind?

It’s hard to say if Samuel will have such good fortune.

Every time Julia thought about Samuel’s wayward behavior, she couldn’t help but sigh.

Aylin handed the well-written presccription to Howard, gave Benjamin a few reminders, and was then hurriedly whisked away by Suzanne.

“Dad, Mom, Aylin and I have some private things to discuss, so we’ll be going now!”

Upon leaving the area where the elders were seated, the atmosphere changed dramatically.


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