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Unveiling The Genius Behind The Divorce novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 Hidden Identity Exposed 1 

Suddenly, a sound emerged, as if a landmine had been thrown into a tranquil lake.

At this moment, a storm was brewing in Aylin’s heart. She had merely mentioned it casually, but for the first time in her life, she truly experienced the saying, “Speak of the devil and he shall


But, everything she said was the truth.

Times have changed, and Gavyn can no longer do anything to her.

Aylin turned around, her eyes lifted and the corners of her mouth slightly raised, “Mr. Delacruz wouldn’t take it personally, would he?”

After not seeing each other for a few days, Gavyn’s expression was even colder than the last time we


He was dressed in a luxurious, limited-edition black suit, his eyes were dark, filled with complex. emotions. Yet, his gaze was strikingly sharp, like a razor-sharp blade, ready to dissect Aylin and examine her thoroughly.

Suzanne was completely stunned.

Ever since my bestie returned, one unexpected event has followed another.

The handsome man standing before me is Gavyn, the CEO of the Delacruz Group.

He was questioning Aylin with such a rude tone…

When Suzanne realized what was happening, her mouth was wide open, almost big enough to fit a goose egg!

So, the man they just criticized and accused of being blind and treating Aylin poorly, is the CEO of the Delacruz Group?

Gavyn’s next move further confirmed Suzanne’s thoughts.

He scoffed as he approached Aylin, his eyes narrowing slightly, exuding an undeniable pressure. “Spreading rumors about me in front of others, yet acting virtuous and well-behaved at home. Oh, Aylin, it must have been hard for you to keep up this act for so many years. I truly underestimated you before.”

And Aylin was no longer the foolish and humble person she once was, wallowing in the dust of the past.

The woman’s attire was splendid, and her makeup was exquisite, making her almost unrecognizable from the plain and simple full-time housewife she was at home.

Gavyn had never realized just how stunning Aylin could be. Her dark eyeliner accentuated her feminine allure, and while it wasn’t noticeable from afar, up close, her eyes were nothing short of captivating

How many more men does she want to get involved with!

Even though Laila had already returned to his side, Gavyn couldn’t help but be emotionally affected by Aylin.

He felt an indescribable sense of agitation.

But Aylin was not the obedient and well-behaved girl she used to be. She confronted him directly, “Mr. Delacruz, I never mentioned your name from beginning to end. Not all women would fall for you, so please don’t be so full of yourself.”


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