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Unveiling The Genius Behind The Divorce novel Chapter 62

Chapter 62 We Are Already Divorced 

Under the bright lights of the hall, Gavyn’s handsome features were accentuated, his eyes slightly darkened as he gazed in Aylin’s direction.

What is she doing? Doubting her identity?

Aylin snorted inwardly and coldly withdrew her gaze.

There’s no use in doubting. With the abilities of his subordinates, they will never be able to find out!

Aylin walked to a quiet spot to text Suzanne. That gül said she was going to the restroom to touch up her makeup, but she’s still nowhere to be seen. It’s time to say goodbye and leave.

What Aylin didn’t know was that as soon as she left, Gavyn said goodbye to Benjamin.

“I have a project to discuss with the daughter of the Koch family, and since Aylin is her assistant, I’ll go have a chat with her.”

As soon as Aylin sent the message, her wrist was suddenly grabbed.

“Come with me at once.”

Aylin was so close that she could even smell the elegant and expensive woody fragrance emanating from the man. She tried to push Gavyn away, but he stood firm like an unyielding wall of iron and copper, refusing to budge.

Aylin frowned, “What are you doing?”

Gavyn remained silent, dragging Aylin to a quieter corner. He gripped her hand tightly, leaving a

red mark around her wrist.

Aylin couldn’t bear it any longer and shook off his hand, her face cold. “Gavyn, you’re hurting me!”

The dim light in the corner cast a shadow over half of Gavyn’s face, making his features appear even more striking and mysterious. As Aylin pushed him away, the emotions in his eyes became unfathomable.

“Aylin, let me ask you something.”

Gavyn had too many doubts in his heart.

This woman first suddenly learned to appreciate art, and then, within a few days, became the assistant to the daughter of the Koch group through Ryker. He originally thought this was already outrageous enough, but now she even gets along so well with the Bennett family, who have a close relationship with the Koch family.

In the past, whenever something unexpected happened, he could always find an excuse to muddle through, but that doesn’t mean he was easily fooled

The daughter of the Koch family was introduced, but Gavyn was also a person in power. What benefits could the company gain from supporting dari assistant like this?

Gavyn leaned in close to Aylin, his eyes burning will intensity, as if he wanted to see right through her. “I’ve looked into Ryker, and most of his influence and connections are in the modeling and fashion world. Relying solely on him, you would never have the chance to meet anyone from the Bennett family!

There can’t be so many coincidences in the world, Aylin. What are you hiding from me?”

Aylin was taken aback; she hadn’t expected that after all this time, Gavyn was still fixated on this


After three years of marriage, he never showed concern for anything about her.


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