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Unveiling The Genius Behind The Divorce novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61 Hidden Identity Exposed a 

To Aylin’s surprise, Benjamin suddenly blurted out such a statement.

If Benjamin were to expose her identity at this moment, all her previous efforts to conceal it would

be in vain.

Aylin quickly gave Suzanne a meaningful glance.

In the blink of an eye, Suzanne, relying on the tacit inderstanding built over many years, deciphered her bestie’s cry for help!

Benjamin spoke softly, “Mr. Delacruz, the person beside you is from the Koch Group…”

Gavyn was all ears, eager to find out what kind of background this woman had, and how she managed to transform herself so completely before and after her divorce.

Cough! Cough! Cough!

Suzanne covered her throat, coughing earth-shatteringly.

Benjamin’s words were cut off, and he glared at his granddaughter with dissatisfaction.

Suzanne cleared her throat and smiled at Benjamin, “Ahem, ahem… My throat suddenly feels a bit uncomfortable. Grandpa, Aylin is my friend, let me introduce her.”

She looked at Gavyn and said seriously, “Mr. Delacruz, the person beside you is an employee of the

Koch Group!”

Upon hearing this, Aylin breathed a sigh of relief.

My bestie understands me!

Gavyn frowned, “Employee?”

While Aylin was still at the Delacruz’s home, she had no special skills and spent her time either. doing housework or revolving around him. Yet, such a person was able to gain recognition in the Koch Group. What on earth was the daughter of the Koch family thinking?

Aylin noticed Gavyn looking at her, she raised her eyebrows and casually brushed her bangs to the

side, appearing calm and composed.

“Of course. I am Ms. Koch’s assistant, which means I am an employee of the Koch Group. Mr.

Delacruz, didn’t you already know that last time?”

There’s no issue with what she said. In a sense, both the CEO and the assistant are “employees” of

the company, serving the entire Koch Group.

Suzanne chuckled and, with a smile, put her arm around Aylin. She said, “That’s right, Mr.

Delacruz. Aylin is very dedicated to her work, completing tasks quickly and efficiently. Her boss appreciates her so much that he introduced her to me. And now, I’m introducing her to you!”

Singing in harmony, their collaboration was incredibly skillful.

Gavyn didn’t believe their one-sided story, so he turned to Benjamin and gently asked, “Old Mr. Bennett, what were you originally going to say?”


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