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Unveiling The Genius Behind The Divorce novel Chapter 71

Chapter 71 Where Is the Dog Bullying Aylin? 

“Daniel, I’ll do it!”

Aylin coldly interrupted, looking at Haleigh with her flushed face and thick neck. Her delicate features were filled with a stern expression, and an fcy aura emanated from her entire body.

Daniel’s heart sk*pped a beat, as he knew Aylin was genuinely angry.

“What are you doing?”

Haleigh was also stung by Aylin’s gaze, raising her neck and disdainfully questioning, “What I just said is the truth, do you want to refute it?”

Aylin let out a cold laugh.

“You’re accusing me of scheming against Old Mr. Delacruz, but where’s your proof? By the way, aren’t you his legitimate daughter-in-law? When he was in the hospital, you disappeared without a trace. Did you meet some wild man while playing poker, and that’s why you didn’t care about taking care of your father-in-law?”

Aylin spoke with ease, but her words were sharp and cutting, like a double-edged sword.

Haleigh has never been able to win Steve’s favor, no matter how hard she tries to please him. On the other hand, Aylin casily caught Steve’s attention, which has always been a sore spot for Haleigh.

Aylin is hitting her where it hurts!

“Who are

Haleigh’s face changed instantly when her sore spot was hit, and she retorted anxiously, you to say that I didn’t take care of him? I did visit Dad, you just didn’t know about it! Hmph! Aren’t

you taking care of him for the money too, and to marry into the Delacruz family?”

Haleigh spared no effort in mocking Aylin, convinced that she was in the wrong. Speaking with righteous indignation, she said, “Let me tell you, you will never be good enough for my son. Even if you try to cozy up to Dad, you can’t change from rags to riches. You’re not worthy!”

Aylin’s face instantly turned even colder.

She saved people out of pure kindness, never questioning the reasons or consequences. She believed she had never done anything wrong, yet this woman inexplicably accused her of being greedy for wealth and status. Was it true that kindness was destined to be taken advantage of?

Aylin closed her eyes briefly and said coldly, “Haleigh, shortsightedness is a disease that needs to be cured. So is stup*dity. To be honest, I think Gavyn’s biggest flaw is inheriting your blindness. Having a mother like you, who he can’t be proud of, is his greatest shame!”

At home, Haleigh often faced criticism and scolding from Steve, who called her foolish and clumsy, telling her not to cause trouble when she was outside. Even her own son, Gavyn, advised her to stav

Out of trouble.

Bas that doesn’t mean Aylin can speak to her!


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