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Unveiling The Genius Behind The Divorce novel Chapter 72

Chapter 72 The Flerce and Overprotective Brother 

Everyone was astonished, and as they followed the sound, they saw a man dressed in a black baseball uniform striding towards them.

The newcomer was tall and slender, with fair skin and a pair of handsome, delicate eyes filled with anger at the moment. The man walked straight up to Aylin and protectively placed his arm around her, shielding her behind him.

Aylin and he exchanged glances, and she saw in the man’s eyes that said, Don’t be afraid, Robert is


Daniel let out a long sigh of relief. He knew Robert was rushing back, but he didn’t expect him to return so quickly. This was great – with Robert back, no one would dare to offend Aylin again.

Haleigh’s eyes widened as she stared at the newcomer, her eyeballs almost popping out of their


She completely ignored the insults directed at her, her heart only filled with the sound of the two names, Robert and Aylin.

Look at that man, with his handsome face and stylish attire, he doesn’t seem like an ordinary person, but rather like a young master from some prominent family. What on earth has Aylin done to bewitch these men, making them line up one after another to be enchanted by her?

Haleigh was not only astonished but also filled with indescribable anger. After leaving Gavyn, this despicable woman had actually seduced so many people! It was even more exaggerated than she had imagined, making her extremely jealous!

Haleigh put her hands on her hips, assuming an elder’s demeanor, and lectured Robert,

“Considering your high social status, how could you be attracted to a woman like that? She’s not only involved with you! That old man beside her is old enough to be her father! She’s just after money and would sell herself for it. Don’t be foolish and associate with such a woman; you might catch a contagious disease!”

Robert hurried over, and before he could even see Aylin, he could hear Haleigh’s frantic screams and roars from afar. The harsh and unpleasant words were simply unbearable to the ears.

Upon hearing and seeing this, it turns out that this woman is the wicked mother-in-law who has been bullying Aylin for the past three years!

How could he bear it any longer!

Robert swiftly rolled up his sleeves and, with a swing of his hand, delivered a heavy slap to Haleigh’s face. The force sent Haleigh stumbling and ultimately falling to their knees on the ground.

“Have you eaten something foul? Keep your mouth clean!”


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