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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 34

Later that night.

Regan has changed from his ruined suit and is now dressed more casually in jeans and a black shirt. He glares across from me at the dinner table, and I have ignored his hateful gaze for the past half an hour.

King Regan is still pissed off, and I spent most of the afternoon hiding in Shelley’s room once I found it. I haven’t dared to return to my room out of worry that he would be waiting to make good on his threat.

Regan reaches for his glass of whiskey, swirling it in the glass before drinking it and holding his hand out to the waiter wanting another. The waiter takes its rushing off when King Theron turns in his seat to look at me.

“You are to meet Regan first thing in the morning at 9 AM; my sons usually have breakfast brought to them, so just meet him in his room.” King Theron tells me, and I swallow nervously, knowing I would have to spend an entire twenty-four hours with Regan. His lips turn up into a cruel smirk.

“Why wait, father? We might as well start the game now?” Regan growls, his lips tugging up into a smirk. King Theron purses his lips, and I open my mouth to argue when King Theron speaks.

“See, why can’t you two be as eager to win her hand?” King Theron asks Lyon and Zeke. Zeke snickers, his lips turning up deviously, knowing Regan is probably plotting my death, not seeking my hand unless it’s to remove it from my body.

“I rather cut mine off!” I tell him, not wanting to go anywhere near Regan with how he has spent all of the dinner glaring at me.

“My King, you promised Zirah a night to herself?” Shelley steps in for me. King Theron glances at her, and she drops her head, bowing slightly. King Theron huffs out a breath, and Shelley lifts her eyes to meet mine. I suck in a breath, waiting for his answer.

“I did say that?” the King mumbles, and I chew my lip, waiting for him to answer.

“I think let her have a night to herself,” Lyon interrupts the King’s thoughts. Regan glares at him, and so does Zeke, who leans forward in his chair to look around Regan.

“Yes, I’m sure she wants to get a good night’s rest after her adventures in the town today?” King Theron says, looking at me. I nod my head quickly, keeping my gaze from Regan, who I can feel is glaring at me, his aura making goosebumps rise on my arms.

“Very well, it’s settled then. Tomorrow at 9 AM, you are to meet Regan in his bedroom for breakfast but remember, dinners are held together.”

He glances at each of his sons.

“That means all of you!” King Theron orders his sons. They grumble and growl but reluctantly nod, and I pick up my spoon and taste the soup set out in front of me and nearly spit it out.

It’s scalding hot, but I manage to force it down. It’s chicken soup, and I am starving, hungry. The King lays out the rules again while I dip my bread in the soup, only half listening, having heard it already.

Hearing the rules again wasn’t going to change the fact I was doomed no matter what! However, when Malachi enters the dining room, the King looks up, his chair scraping as he pushes it out.

“The car is waiting, my king.” Malachi bows slightly. King Theron places his napkin on the table and stands. He sighs, walking over to me. He puts his hand on my shoulder and gives it a squeeze.

“Give ’em hell, dear.” He winks at me, then walks off, followed closely by Shelley and Malachi. Turning back to the table, I find all three Kings staring at me. Zeke smirks, and I move to leave when Regan speaks.


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