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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 35

“Weren’t you the one wanting to punish her for ruining your pants?” Zeke asks, jerking my head to the side and making me grit my teeth as my hair tugs painfully.

“Yes, and I will when I feel like it. Now let her go; we are done with dinner. She is free to go.” The screeching of someone’s chair behind me makes me tense, wondering if I am soon going to have to escape the clutches of one of his brothers, too.

Lyon comes into my line of vision and claps a hand on Zeke’s shoulder.

“Come now, brother. We can’t kill her the first night she’s here. Father would have our heads. You can have your fun with her soon enough.” Lyon tells him. Zeke’s eyes flicker oddly, and he smirks. He then shoves me away, and my ass hits the table.

“I give you a week before you’re hanging from the rafters,” Zeke laughs; he then follows Lyon. I stare after them when Regan speaks behind me.

“You need to be careful around, Zeke. He’ll find any excuse to punish you, and his punishments can be quite brutal and lethal.”

I glance at him before staring back at the entryway. “Well, get it over with, then. I want to go to bed!”

“Get what over with?” He asks, and I hear him tuck his chair in. Each step he takes makes my heart rate spike when he finally steps in front of me.

I roll my eyes. “Your “punishment” for ruining your pants,” I say sarcastically, wanting to get it over with, so I can go to bed and sleep.

“You want to wash my pants now? I was going to make you wash them tomorrow, but if you insist, I can show you where the laundry is?” He chuckles.

“That’s the punishment?” I ask, a little shocked. I was expecting something horrid and possibly painful after the way Zeke treated me.

“They’re pants. Though I have killed people for less, I don’t believe my father would accept death as a suitable punishment for ruined pants.” He purses his lips and scratches his chin, looking thoughtful.

Regan laughs softly before a hint of a smile ghosts his lips. “Maybe you’re not the only one wanting to go to bed,” he tells me before leaning down to whisper. “I only stayed to make sure they didn’t kill you!” He shakes his head with a laugh before turning on his heel and walking away from me.

My brows furrow and I watch him leave, waiting for him to turn around and tell me he is joking and I have to sleep in the stables or something. When he doesn’t, I move to catch up with him, having to run up the steps to catch up to him.

He glances down at me but says nothing as I follow him, partly because I still don’t know my way around and spent a good hour lost while trying to find the maid quarters where Shelley lives.

“But you were angry?” I question, remembering the way he stormed off to hunt me down when he realized what I did.


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