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Veronica CEO's Underworld Queen novel Chapter 99

  The unfortunate fate of two of City I's prominent figures is a wide-spread information to the elite society of City.

  The reason behind it is also no secret among them. Therefore, with the news that the "ice queen" will attend with the rumored woman of President Rawlf Sy, everyone at the fundraiser event organized by the Li madam restrained themselves from talking about the Sy's in public.

  Although almost everyone from time to time was looking at the entrance of the spacious hall.

  Just as usual, the hall is still filled with chattering of the madams and ladies of the elite families pretentiously complimenting each other while the men group themselves among who is in business or to woo prospective business partners.

  Suddenly the hall turned silent at the arrival of the ice queen.

  Madame Vanessa Sy is still as youthful and elegant as ever and her cold features made her even more sophisticated.

  Truly enough, a woman who originates from a powerful family, who married a powerful man albeit the infidelity, the ice queen and still, the irreplaceable madam Sy.

  She walked in a gracious yet steady manner, with every gait demanding respect.

  Everyone's faces are clothed with a welcoming smile, some are sincere and some are pretenses.

  When their line of sight caught the red-haired woman who was slightly behind the madam Sy, their eyes were filled with confusion. Because the woman, no matter how many years passed, is familiar among them!

  Who wouldn't know the daughter of the former esteemed Eduardo Wang? The previous vice governor of Province I who fell under grace because of a corruption case.

  The so-called 'man of the masses' who ends up being hated by the masses?

  Although what confused the people present at the said fundraiser event is the familiar yet unfamiliar sense the woman gave off. Look wise, the woman is similar to the famous Veronica Wang but aura wise, she seemed different. She's like a different person much with her red hair that seemed to be natural.

  They saw that the madam Vanessa Sy stopped walking and it seemed to have waited for the said woman. This is probably showing that the said rumor is just a rumor. Here at the entrance of the hall, the ice queen Vanessa Sy is confirming the truth to everyone present that the said woman is her future daughter in law without using unnecessary words.

  This action also serves as a warning for others who still have plans to mess up with the said woman.


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