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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 124

Chapter 124 Lovers' Clothes

Cordelia gritted her teeth. "Elijah, are you an animal?"

The fragrant scent at the base of her neck made Elijah's thoughts wander a bit.

He realized that he had weak self-control when it came to Cordelia. He quickly let her go, leaving a faint mark where he had nibbled.

"Cordelia, what's gotten into you?" Elijah asked with a frown.

Cordelia pursed her lips and remained silent.

"How can you skip a meal when you throw a tantrum? Think about the baby," Elijah said.

Cordelia looked at him coldly, thinking he was just concerned about the baby.

It seemed that all his care and concessions were because of this baby.

"The morning sickness makes me lose my appetite. I don't want to eat," Cordelia said coldly.

Elijah's brow relaxed slightly. "I know you've been through a lot, so I returned early to be with you and brought you a gift."

He spoke as he tried to lead her back inside.

"If the gift you're talking about is the same bag everyone has, you don't need to bother," Cordelia said, pushing him away and eyeing him warily.

"Everyone has it?" Elijah strode forward and took out the bag from the handbag. "Who else can carry a bag worth a house? Show me!"

Cordelia was stunned.

The bag Elijah took out wasn't the same as the one Mae and Eva had.

This bag was predominantly white with diamond accents. Under the lighting, it glinted and sparkled, almost blinding Cordelia.

"Are you crazy?" Cordelia was incredulous.

If she remembered correctly, this bag was a limited edition from a famous brand worth over ten million dollars...

Given what she knew about Elijah, he wasn't the type to squander money.

"I told you it's a gift for you," Elijah said with a straight face, displeased.

He reached over, took Cordelia's bag worth tens of thousands of dollars from her, and emptied its contents.


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