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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 144

Chapter 144 Start Over

For a long time, the two of them remained locked in a passionate kiss.

Cordelia felt Elijah's kisses, sometimes intense like a storm and sometimes gentle like a breeze, leaving her mind in chaos.

Elijah held her waist tightly, not giving her any chance to escape, just like he would never let their relationship slip away. He kissed her passionately and refused to let her go.

But where could Cordelia escape now?

"Elijah... You're truly the most domineering man I've ever met," Cordelia leaned against his chest while panting, trying to protest.

"Sometimes, I don't even know how to deal with you," Elijah whispered tenderly in her ear.

Cordelia had mixed feelings, unsure of what to say.

Elijah clearly didn't love her, but he often did things that seemed like he did and spoke as if he wanted her to stay by his side forever.

But in fact, he had no understanding of love and never put in any emotional effort.

What was the point of continuing like this?

Perhaps the pressure from his family was preventing him from divorcing her?

Since she couldn't persuade him, she would have to rely on the elders to solve this problem after giving birth.

With her decision made, Cordelia cast a cold and distant look at Elijah.

Their conversation temporarily ceased, and they continued to stroll through the mountain valley.

As they went deeper, there were fewer and fewer tourists.

Cordelia enjoyed the feeling of being close to nature at this moment, and even the discomfort in her body seemed to lessen.

As a result, her mood also began to improve.

"I smell barbecue," Cordelia rubbed her stomach, feeling a bit hungry.

Elijah glanced at the terrain map by the roadside and said, "It should be up ahead."


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