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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 163

Chapter 163 Men Are Ruthless After Sex

Listening to Imogen's constant chatter, Cordelia was in a daze. "Is this real?"

How wonderful it would be if it were true!

"Honestly, since I was pregnant, Elijah has really changed a lot. Maybe he is already learning to be a qualified husband and father!"

Although Cordelia's tone was light, her eyes were very gentle.

Imogen clicked his tongue twice. "The most important thing is that he knows his mistakes and can correct them. He has stopped manipulating Eva, and he even got rid of Elissa. I love it!"

Cordelia pursed her lips and said nothing.

"Hey Cordelia, do you know what your problem is? You just lack confidence and a sense of security, especially in relationships and marriages. You are always submissive and worry about gains and losses."

Imogen was careless and said whatever she had with Cordelia.

She didn't expect it to hit Cordelia's heart directly.

"That's right, Imogen, you're right!" Cordelia admitted generously, "Because Elijah doesn't love me, he never loved me from the beginning to the end."

Imogen froze in astonishment.

It took a long time before she said sadly, "That's right, men are really ruthless after sex!"

Ben, for example.

When he got laid, he could say any love words.

When he was satisfied, he would turn his face and deny anyone!

"But no matter what, Cordelia, you are much better than me. At least, you are worthy of him to pretend. Unlike someone who doesn't even bother to pretend." Imogen curled her lips as if she was used to it.

Cordelia waved her hand. "Okay, let's not talk about men. It will affect your appetite."

Only then did Imogen laugh. "All right, let's talk about your sister-in-law. She's been wild recently. Do you know? These days, she didn't go home one night. Rumor says she lived with Jacob."


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