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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 166

Chapter 166 She Lost Her Fertility!

Cordelia had a long, long dream.

In the dream, she was leaning in her grandmother's arms, listening to her grandmother singing beautiful nursery rhymes.

"Here comes the bamboo blossoms. Cordelia is lying in Grandma's arms and counting little stars. The stars are so beautiful, where lies the breakfast for tomorrow..."

At this moment, Cordelia heard a familiar voice.

"Cordelia, can you hear me? Wake up, wake up, and look at me."

It was Elijah's voice.

"Grandma, I want to be with you forever." Cordelia couldn't help crying. She already knew that all this was just a dream.

Grandma still had that kind appearance, stroking Cordelia's hair gently, and said softly, "Silly girl, Grandma has been with you for a long time, and you will have to finish the rest of the journey on your own.

"We only live once, so cherish it! Cordie.

"Grandma believes that there will be someone who loves you and is waiting for you."

Just now, the voice of Grandma gradually faded away, farther and farther, and finally disappeared altogether.

At the same time, Cordelia felt pain all over her body and gradually woke up from the illusory dream.

"Mr. Hansen, we have tried our best. It is a miracle for your wife to survive."

"Let's talk outside." Elijah's voice was hoarse, sounding very weak.

"As for whether your wife will be able to bear children in the future, we cannot guarantee..."

The doctor's voice became weaker and weaker, and eventually, no matter how hard Cordelia tried to listen, she could no longer hear it.

She tried hard to open her eyes, but it was all in vain. The pain in her body made her exhausted physically and mentally.

So, she stopped struggling and continued to sleep deeply...

Two days later, Cordelia woke up on a sunny morning.


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