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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 175

Chapter 175 Made up Her Mind

Walking into Milo's courtyard, Cordelia felt inexplicably relaxed.

"Cordelia?" Milo, with gray eyebrows and a beard, greeted her, looking at her with a smile.

After going out for a period, Milo gave people a refreshing feeling as if he had great fun.

Cordelia suddenly also wanted to travel around.

After recovering and divorcing Elijah, she would also go to travel to cultivate her mind.

Cordelia sat down with Milo in the courtyard, brewed a pot of coffee, and poured a cup for him.

After Milo drank the coffee, he smiled and nodded. "The coffee Cordelia made is the best. You guys come and have a try."

Eason and Adam walked over, sat down, took the coffee Cordelia had poured for them, and tasted it carefully.

"Cordelia, I heard from Adam that you are going to divorce Elijah? Have you thought it carefully this time?" Milo asked with concern.

Cordelia smiled. "Yes, he and I are from different worlds. I'm not a match for him and shouldn't have married him at first."

After she spoke, Adam immediately looked at Eason, trying to signal him anxiously by his eyes.

Adam thought in his mind, "Eason, why do I feel Cordelia has a sense of inferiority? Your family is more complicated. Will she be willing to be with you?"

Eason lowered his eyes and ignored Adam as if he was distracted.

Milo said with a smile, "It's normal to suffer relationship setbacks when you're young. Experiencing setbacks will make you stronger."

Cordelia pursed her lips. "Yeah. I took the relationship too easy. Some people won't fall in love with you even if you work hard."

Adam suddenly interrupted her and said, "Cordelia, you can't think like that. Elijah is not the only man in this world. You just don't want to stop and look at the surrounding scenery."


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