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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 188

Chapter 188 Am I Beyond Redemption?

That night, Eason and Cordelia had a long conversation in a small restaurant.

By the time Eason bid farewell, it was already midnight.

Cordelia stood at the entrance of the restaurant, seeing him off.

Eason looked at the fragile figure of the woman before him and felt a surge of heartache.


Cordelia waved her hand with a carefree smile. "Eason, goodbye. Drive slowly."

And so, Eason stared at her intently for a while, but in the end, he didn't say anything and left.

Sometimes, Eason despised himself for being unwilling to express anything.

Sometimes, he also thought about being a cunning opportunist, taking advantage of Cordelia's single status and boldly expressing his affection, hoping that Cordelia would choose to be with him.

However, whenever he faced Cordelia, even if he saw the slightest frown on her forehead, he dared not go any further.

Cordelia was a treasure buried deep within his heart, and he didn't want to bring her any distress.

After seeing off Eason, Cordelia's eyes gradually dimmed.

Everything she displayed in front of Eason just now, her cheerfulness and generosity, were all an act.

Cordelia hated Hazel and Eva for causing her to lose her child.

As Cordelia showered, she let the water from the showerhead wash over her face, not wanting anyone, not even herself, to see her tears.

During the time when she found out about losing her child, she cried all her tears, and she never wanted to cry again in her life.

After finishing her shower, Cordelia lay down on the bed and saw the gossip photos sent by Imogen.

In the photo, Elijah sat sternly, his brows furrowed, with the untouched meal in front of him, engaged in conversation with Daisy seated across from him.

And Daisy had a self-satisfied look, with a confident gleam in her eyes, as if she was certain of her success.


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