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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 192

Chapter 192 We'll Be in Love Forever

So Cordelia withdrew her hand coldly and said, "Go ahead."

Her words carried a hint of impatience.

However, Elijah's following words caught her interest, and her expression gradually became serious.

"I never gave up on investigating this matter. Although Eva never admitted it, the evidence is clear, and she can't argue her way out of it.

"However, there are still some details that need to be looked into at the moment, so I didn't inform you immediately, fearing it would upset you."

As Elijah spoke, the light in his eyes dimmed, and they were filled with sadness.

Cordelia lost her child and suffered physical harm, and ultimately, it was all connected to him.

Elijah knew that all of this was indirectly caused by him, and he had once hated himself for it, even including his own family.

Finally, Elijah delivered a straightforward statement.

"Hazel has been detained. As for Eva, she won't escape, and you can deal with her as you see fit."

Cordelia raised an eyebrow and couldn't hide her surprise as she asked in return, "Don't you care?"

"Cordie, I'm not someone who can't differentiate right from wrong!" Elijah helplessly explained for himself.

Cordelia was astonished.

But Cordelia quickly realized that the child she had lost was also Elijah's flesh and blood.

Even if Elijah was biased towards Eva, Eva indirectly caused the death of their child and nearly took Cordelia's life as well. Only someone who had lost their mind would continue to defend Eva.

After all, it was Tristan who saved him back then, not Eva!

"In fact, I can do it myself, but I'm afraid I won't be able to satisfy you. If you need me to, I can be your weapon!" Elijah said sincerely.

Finally, Cordelia's expression softened a little, and she looked at him with less sharpness and guard in her eyes.

"I have stopped all of her treatments. If she self-harms again, no one will stop her," Elijah continued.


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