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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 210

Chapter 210 Not a Chance

Was it because he liked her?

The answer to this question was very important for Cordelia.

Elijah turned to look at her, his gaze locking onto her bright eyes. He suddenly stopped and stood opposite her.

"Why what?" He replied with a smile.

Cordelia frowned but patiently repeated the question she had just asked.

"Why can your girlfriend, fiancée, wife, and the mother of your future children only be me? Why?"

She tried to keep her tone calm, but she knew that deep down, her heart was racing as if it might burst out of her chest any moment.

Elijah grasped her shoulders and looked at her seriously. "Cordelia, I've already given you the answer. How many times must I say it for you to believe me?"

Cordelia lowered her gaze slightly, recalling what he had said before.

Elijah once said, "The divorce was your decision. I respected it. But I know this wasn't what I wanted."

The weight on her heart lifted.

Cordelia forced a sarcastic smile.

At this moment, she wasn't sure if she should feel happy or sad.

"I didn't realize you were so devoted," Cordelia murmured.

Perhaps Elijah hadn't met the woman who could make him abandon everything for her, and that was why he was so persistent.

"So, don't overthink it. If anyone ever bothers you, don't hold back and let me know," Elijah reassured her with sincerity in his eyes.

Cordelia sighed inwardly but only responded with a soft grunt.

Elijah stroked her head and then held her waist as they returned to the car.

The temperature in the car was pleasant, so Cordelia took off her coat.


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