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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 233

Chapter 233 She Wanted Him and His Heart

Listening to Imogen's thoughts, although Cordelia disapproved, she felt her words were fine.

The problem was that Elijah didn't like her but insisted on pestering her. It didn't work to refuse, so she could only accept him.

Perhaps her ideas were somewhat idealized, and she always wanted to be perfect. She wanted him and his heart, which caused her to suffer so much now.

So she said, "Imogen, I should learn from you. All along, I have been too greedy to be so unhappy."

Imogen threw away the mask and smiled. "Anyway, Elijah is pestering you, and you like him, too. So you can accept him with confidence! You don't overthink. Maybe in the future, you won't like him anymore."

Cordelia understood. It was too difficult to restrain herself from not liking him, but at least her feelings for Elijah were not as strong after going through so many things.

Maybe what Imogen said was right. Maybe one day in the future, she could let go of him completely.

Liam passed away.

Before Liam died, Milo came to his bedside and brought his apprentices. Cordelia also met Liam for the last time with Milo.

As Liam was dying, he was not angry, only remorse at seeing Milo.

"Milo, I didn't expect that you are willing to bring your disciples to see me off. I measure you with my yardstick. And I'm overthinking."

Milo sighed and said, "I knew you were still brooding over what happened back then. You already have a great-grandson. But why are you still taking it to your heart?"

Liam smiled while crying. "I am not as good as you in everything. She liked you and had loved you all her life, but she had been locked by me all her life. She had always been depressed, so she died early and didn't even need your help."

"Why did you misunderstand her all her life? Liam, do you know? She came to me before she got engaged to you, but I rejected her. She said she would only love you from then on, Liam!" Milo said in earnest and authentic.

Liam's expression was instantly astonished, and his eyes widened. "It turns out to be like this. It turns out to be like this..."

The electrocardiogram turned into a straight line, and Liam passed away.


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