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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 235

Chapter 235 Has No Time for You Now

The next day was Cordelia's birthday.

Waking up, she received many birthday wishes but none from Elijah.

He might not remember. Otherwise, he would not have mentioned it during dinner yesterday.

Therefore, as Elijah said he wanted to pursue her, she always felt that it was just his joke and that it was just what he said casually.

How could he not remember her birthday if he pursued her because he really liked her?

So, Cordelia passed the day quietly.

On the way, she also received a call from Elijah. He chatted with her as usual and said he would come to the Maple Villa after the evening reception.

In the evening, Cordelia received a special courier.

This courier was sent to her by Eason.

"Cordelia, this is a birthday present from Mr. Carter."

Cordelia weighed it. It was very light, and there seemed to be only a small thing in the box.

"What did Milo give me? It is so mysterious." Cordelia smiled and opened the box immediately.

A key lay quietly inside, with a note with the address and mailbox number.

At first glance, the handwriting was written by Milo himself. It was vigorous and uninhibited.

Then Cordelia went to the address on the note with Eason, but the person there got off work.

"I can only come tomorrow morning." Cordelia felt a little regretful.

Eason blamed himself a little. "It is my fault. I should have delivered it to you earlier."

To be precise, Adam should be blamed for his bad idea to let Cordelia keep Eason for dinner.

"It is okay. I can come here tomorrow morning," Cordelia put away her regret and smiled.

"Have you eaten yet? How about having a meal together?" Eason suggested.

Cordelia thought about it and refused him because someone was a green-eyed monster.

After being rejected, Eason proposed to go to the mailbox with her to get the letter tomorrow morning, and Cordelia agreed.


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