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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 242

Chapter 242 You Affect My Appetite

Edith seemed to understand what Cordelia meant.

She patted Cordelia's shoulder suddenly. "Cordelia, let me say to you on behalf of Elijah, happy birthday!"

Cordelia's eyes turned red, and she suddenly hugged Edith.

"Mrs. Edith Hansen, I envy Elijah and Lamia very much. Although you are a serious mother, you are a wise person. I know that you love them very much!"

Suddenly hugged by her, Edith didn't realize it for a while.

When she came back to her senses, Cordelia had already gone far.

"This child, really..." Edith muttered in a low voice and walked back to the ward slowly.

Early the following day, Cordelia saw the news.

[A 6.5-magnitude earthquake occurred in Fabuca County, and the mountain collapsed severely. Rescue and medical personnel are urgently needed.]

Cordelia was having breakfast with Milo and immediately demonstrated her willingness to Milo after seeing the news.

"Milo, I want to help the area stricken by the disaster."

Milo nodded. "Okay, then you go back and prepare now, and I will help you contact our people over there."

Cordelia immediately drank the milk before her, picked up a tissue, and ran away.

Milo quickly called her, "Hey, don't hurry! Don't fall."

"Milo, I'm not a child." Cordelia ran into Eason when she ran out of the gate. "Eason, you are here."

"I know about the video. I will go to the hospital to visit Elijah and explain to him," Eason said seriously.

"No need, Eason. I've already explained it to his mother, who said she would pass it on to him," Cordelia said with a smile.

Seeing her pretending to be relaxed, Eason frowned even tighter.


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