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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 287

Chapter 287 Leave the Baby and Abandon the Mother

The next day was Imogen's prenatal checkup day. Although Adam had already arranged everything, Cordelia was still worried, so naturally, she wanted to go with her.

Everything went smoothly.

Imogen burst into tears when she saw the two gestational sacs on the B-ultrasound monitor.

She held Cordelia's hand tightly and said, "They are all healthy, Cordelia. Did you hear what the doctor said? They are all fine!"

Imogen was so excited that she was a little incoherent in her language.

Cordelia was also moved by it.

She had experienced it herself how uncomfortable it was at the beginning of pregnancy.

But, thinking that the baby in her uterus was growing up day by day, she had no complaints.

She could fully understand how Imogen felt now.

So, the B-ultrasound doctor immediately gave them a report, then deleted it directly and replaced it with a fake report for archiving.

When Cordelia helped Imogen out of the B-ultrasound room, the two saw the unwanted visitor at the same time.

They knew Ben would come.

Imogen immediately turned cold. "What? Are you afraid I'll abort the child quietly? How closely you are stalking me!"

Ben also had a cold face and followed them silently without saying a word from the beginning to the end.

After completing all the examinations, Imogen suddenly said, "Cordelia, I'm a little dizzy. Is it because I've drawn too much blood for anemia?"

Cordelia immediately checked Imogen and felt she was indeed frail now. The morning sickness made her hardly eat.

At this time, Ben suddenly stepped forward, took Imogen's arm, and carried her in his arms. "Don't struggle. Otherwise, I will not be responsible for hurting you or the child."

"Ben, you are a bandit!" Imogen gritted her teeth.


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