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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 289

Chapter 289 Go Crazy

Cordelia sighed in her heart, feeling her public persona was damaged, so she didn't continue this topic.

Later, through the conversation, Cordelia found out that this private hospital was owned by the Holland family, so Adam took care of everything for Imogen just by showing his face.

Before parting, Mia warmly invited Cordelia to visit her next time.

Facing enthusiastic elders, Cordelia would always inexplicably want to get close to them, so she agreed.

At this moment, Elijah came.

Cordelia noticed that Mia froze when she saw Elijah.

She quickly said, "Ms. Mia Holland, this is my boyfriend, Elijah Hansen."

"Hansen..." Mia muttered to herself.

Cordelia didn't hear what she said and then introduced Mia to Elijah.

Elijah nodded slightly and greeted Mia politely.

Mia didn't delay any longer and said goodbye to them soon.

Watching Mia's car drive away slowly, Cordelia looked at Elijah suspiciously. "Do you know Ms. Mia Holland?"

"I don't know her," he said lightly.

However, he also noticed that Mia was a little unusual just now.

"What? Did she regard you as her daughter-in-law? But she suddenly finds that you already have a boyfriend?" Elijah put his arms around Cordelia and said half-jokingly.

"Fuck you," Cordelia said coquettishly, "Mia knows that I am Eason's friend, so she treats me like a daughter!"

Elijah smiled lightly and said nothing.

According to the information, Mia sent Eason out to a friend to raise him, and she didn't bring him back until he was eighteen years old.

But Elijah didn't know the reason why Eason was fostered.

Perhaps only Mia knew the secret of this.

Just then, his cell phone rang.


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