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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 303

Chapter 303 I Want to Live With You

Eason parked the car and took Cordelia to a private room in a restaurant.

This private room was at the end of the restaurant and was very quiet.

Cordelia had no appetite and was full after a few bites.

Eason frowned and asked, "Elijah seems to mind you living with me. In this way, he appears more righteous, and maybe he will say you did something wrong."

Cordelia took a sip of the juice and said calmly, "Eason, I know someone secretly took pictures that night, and I purposely stayed with you. The more he tries to shirk responsibility, the more I hate him! I want to forget him!"

Although Elijah didn't say anything today, Ben said everything for him.

Elijah was engaged to another woman. He didn't have time to notify Cordelia in advance but had the energy to send someone to watch her.

Cordelia was completely disappointed with Elijah and didn't want to have any more relationships with him. Even just listening to his explanation was a waste of time for her.

Cordelia's words gave Eason both comfort and worry.

He was comfortable because Cordelia had seen Elijah through and left him decisively, which Eason felt was good.

However, he was worried that Cordelia was only strong on the surface and would cry secretly at night.

So, after finishing the meal, Eason took her back to the apartment.

Cordelia came out to drink water in the middle of the night and found someone on the couch. She quickly turned on a small light.

"Eason, go to sleep in the bedroom."

Cordelia didn't notice when Eason had come back again.

Hearing Cordelia's voice, Eason immediately sat up and said, "I'm a little worried."

Cordelia raised her eyebrows and frowned tightly. "Eason, I'm not that fragile. I just broke up. You don't need to treat me so cautiously."


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