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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 307

Chapter 307 Provocation

"Cordelia, the engagement between Mr. Hansen and me is fake. We have nothing to do with each other. Please don't misunderstand Mr. Hansen. He is a good person."

Clare had practiced this speech countless times and finally breathed a sigh of relief after saying it.

Clare knew she was clumsy in expressing herself and was afraid that her improper expression would make Cordelia misunderstand Elijah even more.

Cordelia nodded. "Okay, I got what you mean. Is there any more?"

Clare was stunned, not knowing how to respond.

"No more?" Cordelia stared at her.

Her stare was not harsh but gave off an inexplicable sense of majesty, which made Clare subconsciously dodge her gaze.

"What about you? Do you like him?" Cordelia asked with a faint smile.

She didn't sound like an outsider but was like chatting with a friend.

Still, her question brought a lot of pressure to Clare.

She shook her head repeatedly and said, "Evie, Mr. Hansen is your boyfriend. How can I like him?"

Seeing that she told a lie, Cordelia suddenly lost interest in chatting with her.

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave." Then, Cordelia stood up.

"I'm telling the truth. I hope you can understand Mr. Hansen. He has reasons for getting engaged to me," Clare said anxiously.

"Of course, I know." Cordelia looked at Clare with indifference and alienation. "But I can't understand him."

Clare got a little anxious and stood up. "Don't you like Mr. Hansen?"

Cordelia smiled faintly and asked, "What does that have to do with you?"

Clare bit her lips. It was indeed none of her business.

However, she didn't want to see a man as good as Elijah feel sad.

"Did he ask you to explain it to me?" Cordelia asked.

"No. I took the initiative to explain to you," Clare said quickly.

"Since you don't like him, why do you work so hard to help him?" Cordelia continued asking.


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