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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 321

Chapter 321 You Will Lose Him

"Jenny, I have to go," Cordelia said politely.

Jenny suddenly stopped her and asked, "Evie, did you and Elijah... really break up?"

"Yeah." Cordelia nodded lightly.

"Do you still like him?" Jenny asked.

Cordelia didn't know whether Elijah asked Jenny to ask her about this or if Jenny wanted to ask it herself. She didn't answer casually.

"Feelings are important. But compared with the reality, it's insignificant."

After saying that, Cordelia left without giving Jenny the chance to ask her any other questions.

Jenny returned home, took out her mobile phone, and called Elijah.

"Elijah, I have asked Evie. I feel that it is difficult for her to open her mind to others. Moreover, she seemed to have been deeply hurt."

Jenny had taken psychology as an elective course in college. Later, she had been self-study because she was interested in this field.

Although she was not a professional psychologist, she could see a lot from Cordelia's subtle expression.

"She is very disappointed in you. She once completely trusted you, and you hurt her."

Jenny continued speaking.

Elijah listened to her quietly on the other end of the phone.

He found that the more he loved Cordelia, the more he could do nothing to her.

He dared not to hurt her, let alone do whatever he wanted like before.

Now, he wanted to catch a straw and keep her.


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