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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 337

Chapter 337 Too Soft-Hearted

Cordelia didn't refuse, but she only lightly embraced him.

Afterward, Elijah took Cordelia to the reserved restaurant.

"In comparison, the food in Beilve City and Grant City are more to my liking. The food in Bloom City is too strong." Cordelia chatted casually with Elijah.

"Mr. Carter also wants to protect you. If you were in Beilve City, troubles would inevitably come your way," Elijah said understandingly.

"I have troubles even when I'm outside, but I just don't mind," Cordelia said calmly.

Elijah paused, then remembered that Imogen had reported to him that Laura had been continuously harassing Cordelia in various ways.

So he said, "Mr. Price has finally made his decision. He expelled Clare, Laura, and the pharmacist who had frequent contact with my father."

Cordelia smiled faintly and didn't say anything.

If this was enough to calm Elijah's anger, then he was too nice.

Zach might have underestimated Elijah because he was young and had only been in charge of the Hansen Group for a few years.

No wonder Milo said that Zach had been acting really confused lately.

"Speaking of which, does your father really have his eyes on that pharmacist?" Cordelia asked.

"Young, scheming, and willing to take risks. A woman like that naturally attracts a middle-aged man," Elijah replied calmly.

"How is Edith doing lately?" Cordelia asked with concern.

"She has adjusted. The marriage is over, and there's no turning back. Fortunately, my father's settlement satisfied her, or she might not have been able to move on," Elijah said with a faint smile.

"Her life is starting anew," Cordelia said, happy for Edith.

She was lucky to leave the Hansen family so smoothly and with a generous settlement.

However, at that moment, Elijah's phone suddenly rang loudly.


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