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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 354

Chapter 354 How Dare You!

In fact, Ben did not call Imogen until the next morning.

When he reached the thirtieth call, Imogen had already put her phone on mute, but she was not asleep yet.

At this moment, Cordelia heard the sound of cars outside the yard.

"Isn't Ben here?" Cordelia asked Imogen.

"Just tell him I'm not here." Imogen quickly covered her head with the quilt in fear.

Cordelia had no choice but to go downstairs.

As she expected, Ben came with Elijah.

However, Elijah did not bring Ben in and stayed outside with Ben, ringing the doorbell like a guest.

Naturally, Cordelia would not let them in, so she met Ben in the yard.

"Why did you come at this late hour?"

Ben was obviously impatient. He didn't beat around the bush and asked straight to the point, "Is Imogen inside?"

"No! She's in Grant City." Cordelia lied with confidence.

"Cordelia, don't lie to me." Ben's tone suddenly became very angry.

Elijah immediately pulled him back. "Don't be rude. Do you remember what you promised me before we came?"

Ben gritted his teeth. He did promise Elijah that he would talk to Cordelia nicely.

But seeing Cordelia confidently lying, Ben couldn't suppress his anger at all.

Cordelia folded her arms around her chest, looked at Ben expressionlessly, and said, "Please go back if there is nothing important. I'm going to sleep."

"Cordelia, tell Imogen she can deal with me at will, but she can't harm Elissa!"

Ben's voice was loud, as if he wanted Imogen, who was hiding somewhere, to hear it.


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