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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 357

Chapter 357 Like a Demon

Imogen was stunned for a moment and then said with a complicated expression, "I don't know, Cordelia. He seemingly wanted to protect me at that time, and some of Elissa's words angered him... Cordelia, I was so scared at the time! He...was like a demon."

Cordelia could definitely imagine the scene at that time.

"Elissa's injury report showed she had minor injuries, which means that Ben was still somewhat rational at the time. But this is contradictory. If he was rational, why would he attack Elissa?" Cordelia was puzzled.

Imogen was also a little confused. "Yes, logically speaking, he should beat me up. Elissa is his sweetheart!"

Therefore, the two women fell into silence.

In the evening, Elijah came.

Sitting in the restaurant, Imogen winked at Cordelia. "Look at me, what a third wheel!"

Cordelia smiled and caressed Imogen's head. "He's just my ex-husband now."

When Elijah heard Cordelia's positioning of him, his calm gaze flickered slightly.

What a shameful title! He wanted to get Cordelia back as soon as possible, even if it was just to be her boyfriend.

The three of them had a great dinner.

During dinner, Imogen asked Cordelia, "Cordelia, as almighty as you are, I finally discovered one of your unfulfilled skills. It's actually the simplest cooking!"

Cordelia said seriously, "Do you think cooking is a skill that anyone can do with just their hands?"

"Isn't it?" Imogen raised her eyebrows.

This was also a skill she didn't acquire until her family's decline, but she quickly got the hang of it.

Cordelia shook her head. "This is also a skill that requires talent. I happen to have no talent for it at all. Even if the teacher teaches me step by step, the things I cook are still unsatisfactory. It's like being cursed."

Imogen burst into laughter. "Cordelia, you are too exaggerating..."


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