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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 368

Chapter 368 Stop Dreaming

Cordelia thought men were good at flirting.

Soon, she realized something was wrong.

"Have you met again?" Cordelia asked.

She has been busy and didn't have time to chat with Imogen or Adam.

Therefore, she knew little about their lives in Grant City.

"Last night, Ben came to Grant City and invited me to dinner," Imogen said.

"And then?" Cordelia asked.

"Don't scold me if I tell you," Imogen said guiltily.

"How could I? Go on," Cordelia said with a smile.

"Then, he took me to the hotel."

Cordelia said nothing.

Cordelia did not scold Imogen but became silent. Imogen explained, "His flight was at three o'clock in the morning. We chatted in the hotel for a while, and he left. I went back after waking up."

Cordelia thought for a while and asked, "Imogen, are you satisfied with Ben?"

Imogen sighed, "It's okay. He is normal as long as he doesn't go mad. However, when he is stubborn, he can drive me crazy."

Cordelia joked, "Does he have a split personality?"

"Sometimes, I hope he can always stay normal," Imogen said solemnly.

Cordelia and Imogen chatted for a while before hanging up the phone. Then, Elijah called Cordelia.

"Are you chatting with Imogen?" Elijah asked with a smile.

"Yes. We are going abroad, and the one I am most worried about is Imogen, so I have to give her some advice," Cordelia said with a smile.


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