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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 372

Chapter 372 Take the Risk

"Elijah, I'm angry." Cordelia held his hand and warned.

"I'm teasing you." Elijah let go of her and let her sit next to him.

Cordelia rolled her eyes at him and snorted, "If I didn't reject you, it wouldn't be as simple as teasing me. Are you tired of testing me?"

Cordelia thought Elijah was annoying.

Elijah didn't speak and looked out the window coldly. Seeing that, Cordelia said, "It's getting late. Time to sleep."

"Cordelia..." Elijah held her wrist. He slowly turned to look at her and said, "Can we stay in Yeltonland for a few more days?"

Cordelia was stunned. Then, she said worriedly, "Aren't you afraid Mrs. Mia Holland will cause trouble?"

Elijah shook his head.

Cordelia couldn't understand him. Maybe it was because he was disheartened after learning the truth.

"Okay, I will take the risk to accompany you," Cordelia chuckled.

In a few seconds, Cordelia had planned the work to be arranged for the next morning in her mind.

The most important thing was to tell Milo not to worry about her.

Elijah gradually became happy. "Am I dangerous? Why do you need to take the risk?"

Cordelia shrugged. "Two minutes ago, you tried to sleep with me. Aren't you dangerous?"

Elijah smiled and shook his head. Cordelia had seen through him, and he had nothing to hide.

Elijah couldn't control his desire to sleep with Cordelia. It was the signal from his body and his inner desire.

However, he would respect Cordelia and not force her.


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