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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 383

Chapter 383 You Will Also Lose Me

"Imogen, I think you and Adam are a good match too. If you weren't pregnant, would you be with Adam?"

Cordelia asked Imogen an extremely sharp question.

Imogen thought for a while and then said, "It's possible. If I can break up with Ben completely, I will definitely find a boyfriend again. Otherwise, I will be urged to marry by my family sooner or later."

Therefore, she might as well be wise and accept the reality sooner.

Cordelia's expression softened a little, and she continued, "I don't like Eason, and I won't try to date a man I don't like."

Although feelings could be cultivated, Cordelia only wanted to cultivate feelings with the man she liked. This was something she would not compromise on.

"Then, if you meet a man, who you like, again, will you take the initiative to pursue him?" Imogen asked.

Cordelia smiled bitterly. "I'll have to meet him to find out. At least for now, I quite like that clingy rascal."

Elijah Clingy Hansen sneezed at this moment.

Imogen covered her mouth. "Cordelia, you actually admitted it? It seems that you are quite satisfied with Elijah's recent performance, aren't you?"

"Not bad," Cordelia affirmed without hesitation. "It's just that any relationship has to go through hardships. No one can say what the future will bring."

Imogen chewed Cordelia's words carefully, applied them to herself, and comprehended them carefully.

At this moment, Ben sent another message.

[Piggy, wait for me tonight.]

Imogen was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Cordelia a little embarrassedly.

At the same time, Cordelia was looking at her calmly. She noticed something strange in her eyes and immediately smiled.

"What? Ben wants to see the child again?"

Imogen's face turned red instantly, and she hesitated for a long time before she could say, "Woman, if you are so straightforward, you will also lose me."

For a moment, the two women laughed simultaneously.


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