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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 390

Chapter 390 You Were Actually by My Side

Cordelia suddenly appeared in Grant City, which surprised Eason.

However, when he heard Adam say that Cordelia came here because of Imogen's affairs, the expectation in his heart subsided.

He laughed at himself and thought, "I flattered myself again, didn't I?"

However, no matter what, Eason was pleased that Cordelia could come to Grant City.

So, he resisted the urge to contact Cordelia immediately and continued to do his own business.

Cordelia came to Adam's apartment and frowned when she saw Imogen's appearance. She was speechless with Imogen for a while.

In the past, Cordelia had always thought that Imogen was soberer and more tolerant than her.

But this time, what Ben did to Imogen was definitely magical damage, and she was completely and seriously injured.

"Cordelia, you're here," Imogen said, tears streaming down her face.

Cordelia patted her shoulder and said, "Don't cry. Don't be decadent. Imogen, think about it again. Do you really want to have induced labor? Don't use other people's mistakes to punish yourself!

"If you are worried about your child's future, I can promise that I will be your child's guardian with you until the child is 18 years old."

That was what Cordelia had decided before she came.

Cordelia understood its preciousness until she had lost it and could never get it again.

She would never have a baby, so she hoped Imogen's two babies would be born in good health.

No matter how difficult the road ahead was, as long as Imogen voluntarily kept the children, Cordelia would volunteer to bear the "sweet burden" with her.

Imogen closed her eyes. "I will seriously consider it. Cordelia, don't worry. I won't do stupid things casually. It's not worth it for a beast!"

Since then, Cordelia had been quietly accompanying Imogen.


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