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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 397

Chapter 397 Do I Look Like a Playboy?

Eason didn't respond, turned around, and left.

At this time, someone told Gideon, "I think Eason is a talented person, and he gets along well with Ms. Carter. Sir Hansen, maybe you are impatient and in a hurry."

"That's right. Maybe after a while, they will get together willingly."

"If something that cannot be undone happened... Hahaha! Then, you won't have to worry."

After hearing everyone's suggestions, Gideon's expression softened, and he said, "At least Mr. Carter came here in person for Eason's sake, which means this miraculous doctor quite favors him. Apart from him, I'm afraid no one could invite that miraculous doctor."

Gideon thanked Eason that at least he saw hope in his life again.

In the meantime, Eason caught up the pace and sent Milo and Cordelia into the car.

They all had a tacit understanding, and no one mentioned what happened in the private room.

"Mr. Carter, thank you." Eason expressed his sincere thanks.

Milo nodded with a smile, then the car started and drove away.

From the rearview mirror, Cordelia looked at Eason's figure and sighed, "It's not easy for Eason to choose to go back to the Hansen family."

Milo looked at Cordelia with a smile and said, "Cordelia, you have grown up."

Cordelia blushed from Milo's praise and said, "Mr. Carter, don't you think I am disrespectful to the elders?"

"You don't need to be humble, let alone go soft when dealing with people like Sir Hansen. I am with you, so you don't have to be afraid of anything!" Milo said to Cordelia seriously.

Cordelia's eyes suddenly welled up with tears.

She was grateful to Milo for his preference and protection. After all, he was her only close person except for her grandmother.

"Mr. Carter, thank you!" Cordelia thanked him from the bottom of her heart.

Milo laughed. "Silly girl, why are you being so polite?"

Elijah sat in a private room, drinking quietly with Ben.

All the noise outside the room seemed to have nothing to do with them.


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