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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 399

Chapter 399 A Stupid Lie

"But Cordelia, do you really not consider Eason? It can be seen that he likes you very much and is no worse than Elijah in all aspects," Imogen asked cautiously, fearing that Cordelia would fall out again.

"Imogen, gratitude and affection are different. Since I have someone in my heart, I can no longer think about other people."

Cordelia had always been simple and pure when it came to feelings.

Imogen could see that.

Indeed, they were in different situations.

When Imogen looked for a man, she had to consider their future, income, family background, and many other aspects.

But Cordelia was different.

She had achieved a lot at a young age and had many investments.

Even if she did nothing and maintained her current income, she would be able to live freely without worries about the rest of her life.

Instead, Imogen was dazed that she believed in the future that Ben promised her.

That was why she would be so devastated and heartbroken like never before when she saw Ben take other women to the hotel.

In the past, she didn't care because she never believed in Ben and never thought about their future.

But it was different now.

She foolishly entrusted herself and her child to such an unreliable man, which was the most frustrating thing.

She wanted to give up those two children as she didn't want to think of those stupid things she had done when she saw them in the future.

It was also a decision she made on impulse.

Fortunately, Cordelia stopped her in time and pulled her back from the edge of breaking down.

"Cordelia, I really envy you. I seem not sober recently," Imogen said shamelessly.


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