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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 48

Chapter 48 I Understand 

“Impossible!” Cordelia denied it without thinking. 

Elijah raised his eyebrows. Her reaction only made him more sure of his guess. 

“Who did you call out in your dream? Do you know, or do I know?” Elijah asked her back. 

Cordelia looked at him suspiciously. Could it be that what he said was true? 

She and Eason had always been net friends. And she just met him as he came to Beilve City. Before that, she didn’t even know what Eason looked like. 

But after thinking about it, Elijah’s request for her was too double standard, wasn’t it? 

So, she imitated how the man explained Eva to her before and explained, “I just regard Eason as my brother.” 

Elijah stared at her for a long while and finally lowered his head as if he tentatively accepted her 


Afterwards, while arranging the dress for her, he said, “I lost control just now, sorry.” 

Fortunately, he still had reason and did not continue. 

“A child hit me just now and almost knocked me down. Can you listen to my explanation before losing your temper?” Cordelia said displeasedly. 

Elijah rubbed her head and said gently, “It depends on the situation. If you defended other men at that time, I would lose face.” 

Cordelia didn’t say anything more but kept frowning. 

Leaving the hotel and getting into the car, Elijah suddenly said, “Ben and your friend will break off the engagement soon. But you don’t think too much about it. His female companion today is not the one Ben likes.” 

Cordelia blinked and replied, “Okay, I know.” 

On the surface, she was calm. But at this moment, in her heart, it was as if water was boiling in the 


Gosh! Elijah casually revealed a few words to her, which was a blockbuster! 

After backing home, Cordelia sent a message to Imogen while applying a mask. 

Unexpectedly, Imogen knew about it a long time ago. 

Elijah should be talking abolit Elissa Flores, 

were in college. But then Elissa went abroad, so they broke up.] 

Passa Whe 


Cordelia frowned: [I’ve never heard you mention it before, so it turns out that Ben always liked her.] 

[Hey, so what about he likes her? He didn’t keep his pure for her. We often slept together.] At the end, Imogen also sent a rolling eye expression. 

Cordelia admired that Imogen was big-hearted. Even if her family fell, and the Turner family immediately proposed to break off the engagement, she was still unrestrained. 

At this time, Elijah walked in. 

Seeing that he was dressed again, Cordelia squinted her eyes. “Going out again?” 


She didn’t know whether this man was tired of coaxing such a feigned woman like Eva every day. Anyway, Cordelia was tired of seeing it. 

Elijah patted her head. “Don’t think about it. Ben got into a fight, so I’ll go 

“Then be cautious.” 

and see.” 


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