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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Why Don’t We Take This To The Car 

They zoomed through the city in silence, until they arrived at a luxury high-rise apartment building. 

Elijah was clearly very familiar with the place. He parked the car and entered the building, Cordelia following close behind. 

She noted that he knew the password for the room and opened the door as if it was his own place. 

Meanwhile, she felt like an outsider. Her heart began to ache once more, and she felt like a joke just being there. 

Lost in thought, Cordelia looked up and saw a sweet-looking woman in an electric wheelchair coming towards them. 

There were tears stained on her face, but she smiled up at Elijah sweet as sugar. 

“You finally came,” she said breathlessly. 

Elijah took a tissue from the counter and gently wiped away her 


His gaze was focused, a soft smile on his lips, and his actions were gentle. 

Cordelia suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest and her throat tightened, making it hard for her to breathe. 

Eva unbuttoned her shirt, revealing her shoulder without any hesitation. Her burn wounds ran all along her skin, leaking some fluid. They looked horrifying. 

Elijah’s face turned grim. “Eva, you need to go to the hospital and let a doctor see this. I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning and take you.” 

At this moment, Eva’s gaze fell on Cordelia, who was still standing at the doorway. “Elijah… Who is she?” 

“My wife,” Elijah admitted generously and immediately. 

Eva’s eyes flickered for a moment, which Cordelia keenly caught. 

“Elijah, I’m tired. Will you take me to sleep?” she whispered. 

Cordelia frowned, just about to speak, but Elijah spoke up first. “Let me take you back to your room first.” 

With that, Elijah walked up to Eva and turned her wheelchair around. 

Eva glanced at Cordelia with undisguised provocation in her 


But Cordelia didn’t give her the satisfaction of reacting, keeping calm and cool as Elijah pushed Eva into the bedroom, leaving the door open. 

They whispered to each other inside, a conversation too faint for Cordelia to hear. 

She took out her phone and messaged someone to check who 

Her heart dropped when saw who it was: Elijah. 

Eva moved into Elijah’s property. 

A property she had no knowledge of… 

With everything that happened in just the last day alone, she crumbled onto the sofa, tired to her bones. She didn’t fight it. when she felt her eyes closing, and she fell asleep. 

After a while, Elijah walked out of Eva’s bedroom and closed the door. 

His gaze fell on Cordelia laying on the sofa, her chest rising and falling softly with each breath. She looked like a sleeping angel. 

His eyes darkened. 

Cordelia felt plush lips against her own, and opened her eyes to meet Elijah’s handsome face. 

She gasped, and with her mouth open he took the chance to delve his tongue deeper into her mouth, intensifying the innocent kiss. 

His tongue went straight in. 

Cordelia whimpered under his kiss, one arm unconsciously wrapping around his neck, the other caressing his strong chest. Her legs hooked around his waist, pulling him in closer. 

As his lips trailed past her jaw and down her neck, she noticed a camera in the corner of the living room. 


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