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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 90

Chapter 90 Waiting Period 

Cordelia suddenly widened her eyes. 

Her bright eyes now resembled a startled deer. 

Meanwhile, Elijah had his eyes closed in deep concentration while his thick eyelashes veiled his intense gaze. 

As the situation seemed to spiral out of control, Cordelia abruptly pushed Elijah away and said icily, “Elijah, can’t we just be straightforward? Your actions don’t resemble the future heir of the Hansen family.” 

Though she pushed Elijah, he only took a few steps back and then looked at her coldly. 

After a long pause, he said, “Fine, I’ll indulge you! Let’s go now!” 

Half an hour later, at the Courthouse. 

Cordelia and Elijah sat side by side in front of a staff. 

“Are you both willingly seeking a divorce?” The staff asked. 

“Yes,” Cordelia said. 


Cordelia glanced at Elijah sideways. 

Impatiently, Elijah said, “Who would come here if it’s not willingly?” 

Cordelia averted her gaze after hearing this. 

“Alright. Please fill out this form.” 

The staff handed them each a form, which was the Application for Divorce Registration. 

Cordelia quickly finished filling hers out and waited a while before seeing Elijah stop writing. 

The staff checked the information they had filled out and said, “Starting today, either of you can withdraw the divorce application by presenting valid identification within thirty days. Suppose both parties have not jointly applied for a divorce certificate within the next thirty days after the waiting period. In that case, it will be considered that the divorce registration application has been withdrawn. Do you both understand?” 

Waiting period! 

Cordelia had overlooked this. 

Elijah had already gotten up and left by now. 

The staff glanced at Elijah’s angry figure and then looked at Cordelia. “Your husband still seems to love you and doesn’t want a divorce. Since you’re in the waiting period, both of you should take this time to think carefully about it.” 

Cordelia forced a smile, picked up her bag, and left. 

Outside the Courthouse, Elijah was standing by the road, smoking. 

Cordelia approached and said calmly, “I’ll find time tomorrow to pack my things at the Maple Villa.” 

“Suit yourself,” Elijah said coldly. 

“Alright. Goodbye.” Cordelia turned to leave, but Elijah grabbed her arm. “I’ll give you a ride.” 

“No need.” 

“We are not divorced yet. I’m still your husband.” Elijah’s gaze turned dark like a storm could break out at any time. 

“Fine!” Cordelia didn’t refuse any further and got into the car. 


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