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Want You in My Life novel Chapter 17

After Alline went back, Hiram had already left. The bedroom was left in a mess. Even yesterday's big red wedding word was torn into pieces, and the wedding bed was also thrown away. The whole room was changed into a dark color. Alline pursed her lips and went downstairs without saying a word. She asked the servants to clean it up. Somehow, there was always a heavy atmosphere in her heart.

The three words that Hiram said like needles, pierced into the heart of Alline. They were not sharp, but lasting.

In the next few days, Alline hadn't seen Hiram. It was Mr. Ethan who asked her to go to the Juan Garden several times and talked about Hiram's legs. He said that five years ago, when Hiram had a car accident, they failed to treat him in time so he left an uncured illness. But the doctor said that if they took good care of him, Hiram might recover.

Alline understood what Ethan meant. As the eldest son of Mo family, he still hoped that the family business in the future would be inherited by Hiram, and it was not appropriate for Hiram to inherit the family business when his legs were still unable to move.

Another thing was that he arranged for Alline to work in Mo Group. Since she had nothing to do at home, it was better for her to go to work. Finally, before leaving, Ethan suddenly said, "Alline, I hope you and Hiram can have a child as soon as possible. Children are brought up by love. When you have a child, his attitude may change. "

Alline nodded without saying anything.

Ethan hoped the marriage could go on well, but Alline knew that it wouldn't last long. Hiram hated her to the core, and she also didn't like him. The Mo family was not easy to marry, but she became the eldest daughter-in-law of the Mo family. It was a great honor for ordinary people, but she didn't think so. She knew her identity very well. She wasn't the little princess of the Lou family who was doted on by so many people and was superior to others many years ago. She was just a woman worked hard for her own life.

She didn't know the details of the marriage between the Mo family and the Lou family, but she knew that it was not because of love.

One day, after work, Alline went back home. It was rare for Hiram to be at home. Since Jenny went out for business, only Jacob was left at home. Alline cooked in person and made a table of good dishes for Hiram, indicating Jacob to bring them up to Hiram.

Jacob didn't move.

Alline raised her eyebrows, "What? Are you afraid that I will poison your Mr. Hiram! "

"You must be kidding, Mrs. Mo. Mr. Hiram always like the food cooked by Zelda, so..." said Jacob. Although the food cooked by Mrs. Mo looked good, but Hiram had always been picky about food. He was afraid that it would be hard for Alline to please Hiram.

"How about I send it upstairs? Asked Alline with a smile on her face.

Jacob waved his hand hurriedly, "I don't dare to bother you. Let me do it! If Mrs. Mo showed up in the study, Mr. Hiram will definitely tear him down tonight. A couple like them who was like strangers and didn't interfere with each other, which was very strange.

"Thank you, Jacob! Alline sat in the living room and began to drink sparerib soup. Her mother taught her how to cook sparerib soup. Her mother was good at cooking and she could make a pot of good soup since Alline was a little child. Alline was greedy when she was young. Every time Sandra cooked, she came to the kitchen and insisted on helping her. As time went by, Alline knew these procedures well. But she didn't expect that she would cook for Hiram today.

When the time was almost up, Alline put down the bowl and chopsticks and went to the third floor. She saw Jacob come out with an empty bowl. "Mrs. Mo, why are you upstairs? "

"I have something to talk with your him. Said Alline.

"My lady, young master is going to have an important meeting tonight. How about another day? "

"I just said a few words and left. It won't take him too much time. Alline insisted.

Jacob felt very embarrassed, "Mrs. Mo, it's really inconvenient tonight! "

"Jacob, it's a matter of course for a wife to see her husband. Alline smiled to remind him, "Don't worry. I won't anything to him. If you are worried, you can come up to see us later. "

Her words made Jacob blush.. Embarrassed, Jacob said, "It doesn't matter. Mrs. Mo, take your time! "


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