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Want You in My Life novel Chapter 23

Jenny said that the colleagues of the business department were discussing business with the clients of the South Marine Company in Ginza today. After driving the car, Hiram rushed over with a murderous look. Damn it! She was not a member of the business department at all. What was she doing with those drunkards? He thought that Alline deserved to be beaten. She was obviously a troubled woman. Was she a business woman? She might be cheated by others as soon as she went out. As a little girl, she could just stay in the market department, or the planning department and even the financial department, it was okay for her just stay in the office to enjoy the air-conditioner and finish the simple work!

The Mo family was rich and powerful, and it was not that he couldn't afford to support her. This woman was so... Thinking of her, Hiram got angry! On the way to Ginza, he clenched his fists and tried his best to control his anger. Damn it! If this woman dared to seduce other men, he would kill her! Alline was his wife. Why did she have to drink with those cunning foxes in the sales department? Even if she was sold, she had to help others count the money. When his grandpa let her work in the company, he did not point out her identity. In addition, their marriage was a secret to the outside, so few people knew that the two of them were married.

He rushed all the way to Ginza in a hurry, and everyone was drunk. He took the sales manager over and asked directly, "Where is Alline? "

The manager of the sales department was half drunk. Hiram poured a glass of wine directly to sober him up. "Where is Alline? Where is the marketing assistant? This uneasy woman should be locked up at home and not allowed to go anywhere.

"You mean Alline, -" the manager of the sales department said with a big tongue, "Isn't she there? "

Hiram glanced around but didn't see Alline. He didn't want to argue with a drunkard. He went out of the room and greeted the person in charge of Ginza directly. He checked the surveillance video and saw her leaning against the wall when she answered his phone. Then she suddenly rushed out as if she had met an acquaintance. His face was almost gloomy. He thanked the assistant and left Ginza.

It rained all night and it was in the middle of the night. He looked for her aimlessly. He thought he should teach her a lesson! How could she drink in the middle of the night? When he ran to somewhere, he suddenly saw a figure kneeling on the ground not far away. Hiram stepped on the emergency brake and angrily opened the glass. "Are you courting death? "

The woman stood still, as if she had been frozen.

He noticed that the woman was wearing a silver silk suit. He looked at her more amazingly at that time. He hurriedly got out of the car and pulled her up from the ground. When he saw her pale face without makeup, he was shocked. "Alline! "

How could she fall here in such a mess? Alline knelt there still and looked more terrible than a dead person.

He patted her on the face with anxiety that he didn't see on it. "What's wrong with you, Alline? Why are you here? "

Alline closed her eyes tightly and said nothing.

Hiram was angry. The rain soon wetted his short hair and flowed down his handsome face. All of a sudden, he grabbed her long hair and made her lean over. He said in a low voice that could not hide his anger, "Alline, don't pretend to be dead! "

God knew that he would be pissed off by this woman sooner or later! Look at her, the Young Mrs. Mo of the Mo family knelt in the rain alone and didn't move. If it weren't for him, she would have died here tomorrow morning!

Thinking of this, the strength in Hiram's hand was even greater, which made Alline scream in pain. She opened her sleepy eyes and looked at him, as if she didn't know him, or as if she had known him for a lifetime. Suddenly, she threw herself into his arms and said in a soft voice as if she had strangled her throat, "you finally come to pick me up. Then she passed out completely.

At that moment, the anger in the bottom of Hiram's heart was suddenly washed away. It turned out that it was such a wonderful feeling to be needed. It turned out that she had been waiting for him here all the time. He reached out to touch her hair, lifted her up by the waist and gently put her on the passenger seat. Because the two of them were wet, he turned on the heat and took a clean towel to wipe her face. She had a good sleep. She looked well behaved, and there was a slight warmth at the corners of her mouth occasionally. Because of the wine, her skin looked white, like noble and beautiful ivory, and had an amazing beauty. Hiram withdrew his hand and muttered, "Silly girl, what are you thinking about? Why are you so happy! "


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