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Want You in My Life novel Chapter 26

"Long time no see. Rebecca, you're more and more beautiful! Hiram really flattered her. He thought he was wrong. On the one hand, he told himself that Rebecca was not Emma, while on the other hand, he was looking forward to meeting Rebecca, as if this could make up for the mistakes of the past. But he was hesitant. Rebecca was just a substitute. Even if she was like Emma, she was not Emma. His Emma was dead.

Hiram didn't understand what he was thinking. On the one hand, he wanted to take Rebecca as Emma, and on the other hand, he clearly told himself that she was not Emma. He was so contradictory, so real, and so entangled.

The two of them sat down. Rebecca ordered black coffee according to Hiram's habits, and she ordered a grapefruit tea for herself, which was also Emma's favorite. The two of them sat down, as if they had been before. The two of them were young, Hiram was refined and Rebecca was beautiful as before. Hiram broke the silence between them. "Why do you suddenly come back? He took a sip of coffee and asked casually.

"Come back and settle down. Rebecca looked at him with soft eyes.

The light came from the window. The sun was warm and soft, which made the outline of Hiram more gentle. "Why do you suddenly decide to come back? What happened there? "

"Hiram, Vivian told me that your leg has recovered and I wanted to come back to see you a long time ago. So as soon as I finished my work there, I booked a plane ticket and came back. Looking at his indifferent side face, Rebecca's eyes darkened, helpless and euphemistic. "Hiram, don't you like me to come back? "

Seeing the expectation in her eyes, Hiram's hand suddenly tightened. He knew what was on Rebecca's mind, and even Rebecca had hinted him vaguely that she didn't mind being a substitute for Emma, but Rebecca was always Rebecca. No matter how she imitated Emma, she was not Emma.

He knew that.

A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and he was about to change the topic. "Rebecca, I remember that you majored in design at university. If you plan to develop in our country, you can work in the Mo Group. "

"Hiram, you know that's not the reason why I came back. The woman's voice was low, soft and pleasant. It was very attractive, especially when she raised her eyes, she looked extremely like Emma.

Hiram smiled and said casually, "Rebecca, I'm married. "

The two words "get married" were like a dull thunder to Rebecca. Vivian didn't say that Hiram had been married. Her eyes were soon filled with tears, like fog. "Why? Why do you want to get married? Have you really forgotten my sister? "

Even though he had repeatedly warned himself not to indulge in the past, the two words still stung Hiram. "Rebecca, I know it was I who had done something wrong to your sister. I'm sorry.. If possible, I would rather let her come back with my life. "

"Hiram, you were forced by grandpa Ethan, weren't you? You like my sister, and you always love her in your heart. Did grandpa force you? Rebecca was not as pitiful as she was a moment ago, but more pitiful. Her little sad and beautiful face was like a flower that was wet by the rain, haggard, and it was about to break, but it seemed that it could be broken into pieces by someone.

"Rebecca... Hearing these words, Hiram felt as if a knife were piercing his heart, but he did not refute. It was indeed his grandpa Ethan who forced him to marry, but.. Thinking of the face of Alline, his frozen heart seemed to be warm.

"I haven't forgotten Emma and I don't like anyone else. It's just that Alline... At this time, Hiram's mobile phone suddenly rang, interrupting what he was going to say. He took a look at it and quickly answered it. At the other end of the phone, the voice of Jenny was heard anxiously." Mr. Hiram, just now someone called and said that Mrs. Mo was kidnapped. "

All of a sudden, Hiram stood up and ran out without taking his coat. Rebecca heard the two words "Mrs. Mo" clearly. 'Hiram, how can you forget my sister? How can you marry someone else? How can you leave for a strange woman...'


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