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Want You in My Life novel Chapter 33

Tears finally fell down from her eyes. Alline told him what had happened. Colin's face darkened and almost dripped. Alline said, "I have no choice. I have to marry Hiram. "

"Hiram Mo? "Mr. Hiram from the Mo family in L city?" Colin repeated. "

At the mention of the Mo family, an unknown darkness flashed through Colin's eyes. Alline married into Mo family. At that moment, Colin couldn't tell how he felt. He just felt that anger was surging in the bottom of his heart, roaring, and almost didn't surge out.

But after years of training, he quickly calmed down. He couldn't be angry now. Alline was emotionally unstable. He didn't want her emotions to fall to the bottom. In a word, he hoped that she could tell him everything!

It turned out that that man was Alline's husband that night. Thinking of this, Colin's heart sank a little.

Alline nodded, "I haven't seen you for a long time. Before we got married, I had been waiting for your news. If you came back, I would go with you regardless of anything. But you didn't come back. I called you before, but I couldn't get through. I had no choice. Cathy couldn't find my brother Sven. I had been very sorry for him at that time. I couldn't let anything happen to him because of me! "

Her eyes were as red as a rabbit's. No matter how much injustice she had suffered in the past, she had never been like this. Even if she was bullied by Nicole, she had been enduring it. But today, she was so haggard and pitiful, which made Colin feel sorry for her. "It's not your fault. It's my fault that I didn't come back in time to get married. Alline, I'm sorry, I came back too late! "

"Colin, don't you blame me? Asked Alline uneasily.

"Why should I blame you? There are some things that you can't control. If I want to blame it, I can only blame God! Colin said bitterly, but he was still worried about Alline's mood. "Alline, as long as you still love me, it's okay. "

"Don't you care? "

"Care about what? I don't have a virgin complex, and you are the woman I love most in my life. I didn't protect you well in the past and made you suffer, but from now on, I won't let you suffer any more. "

"Colin... "

"Don't worry. I'll take care of your brother's business. I'll help you find him. Then you can divorce with Hiram and we two can get married again. You used to say that you would go to France to get married if we had the chance. We'll buy a manor and then we'll get married in the manor. Colin said seriously.

His description was so beautiful. Looking at the way Colin looked at her, Alline sighed slightly, "But... She closed her eyes and her eyelashes trembled slightly. "Colin, you can't wait for me! "

Colin's eyes were still shining with smile, as if he was trapped in that beautiful dream. He looked at Alline and said, "Alline, I said, let me handle everything. You have to believe that your man has the ability to solve the problem! "

He looked into Alline's eyes. The light in his eyes was full of confidence. It was like stars falling into the Milky way. Alline couldn't help but lower her voice, "But, unless Hiram asks for a divorce, I have no right to divorce! "

Colin's heart tightened. "He loves you? "

Alline shook her head, "How is that possible? "

"That's good. He doesn't love you. I'll find a way to divorce him from you! He said confidently. But Alline's voice suddenly choked, as if her throat was strangled. Then she threw herself into his arms and asked, "Why? Why don't you come back early? Colin, why don't you come back three months earlier? "Three months is enough.

But why was God so cruel that she didn't meet him until three months after their marriage.

"Sorry... "What else could he say except sorry?

Then the two of them didn't talk about the divorce anymore, but began to talk about their happy time together. They said when they began to fall in love and when they fell in love with each other. The two of them smiled as they talked.

It was already midnight when Colin sent Alline back to the Mo mansion. When she entered the Mo mansion, she felt a chill inexplicably, as if something was going to happen. But when she returned home and went upstairs, she found that Hiram had already gone to bed. It was the first time that he had gone to bed so early.


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