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Want You in My Life novel Chapter 35

Alline's heart suddenly rose. What was Colin doing? He knew clearly that she was Hiram's wife, but now he did this in front of him. Did he think that she didn't have enough trouble? She pushed him away awkwardly "Sorry, I have work to do! "God knew that she didn't have the courage to look up at Hiram.

"Well, okay, but you must accompany me tonight! "Colin rubbed her hair affectionately.

In the past, this was an intimate action between them, but now it was not appropriate at all, not to mention that they were enemies now. He represented the Mu group, and she was in the Gu group Alline was speechless.

After Colin left, Hiram stood up. His eyes were full of disgust, which shocked Alline. She was afraid that he would do something inappropriate in the meeting room, but he didn't since he was very proud outside. However, she did not underestimate this narrow-minded man. "My dear wife, it is the second time today that you are close to him in front of me. How you think shall I punish you tonight? "

"Mr. Hiram, please forgive me! "Said Alline with a bitter smile on her face.

Hiram said impatiently "Remember to finish what I have told you. You'd better not make any mistake! Otherwise, I'll settle both of them with you tonight! "

"Yes, sir! "Alline didn't dare to say anything more, but to agree. Damn it! He was sure about getting her!

After he left, Alline cried out sadly. Her identity was extremely sensitive now. Normally, she wouldn't be allowed to take over the case, let alone that she hadn't participated in it before yesterday. She didn't know why Hiram arranged her in such an important position. She could read all the documents and materials at once.

After she finished the work arranged by Hiram, the phone suddenly rang. It was William!

Alline was shocked and didn't know why William called her at this time, but she still answered the phone obediently, "Alline, why are you involved in this case? When did you come back to HC City? Why don't you come home? "

This series of questions overwhelmed her. She had no good impression on William, before, and now. She closed the computer and said coldly, "I think I don't need to report to you, Mr. William! "

Hearing the alienation in her voice, William said helplessly "Why are you involved with the Gu family? "

'What? Didn't he know who Hiram was? But if he knew who he was, he might have come to say hello to Hiram just now. In the past few years, Hiram hadn't been involved in the business circle. Even if he worked for the Gu group, he was named "Master", so few people knew that he was actually the eldest grandson of the Mo family.' Alline thought. She smiled and said, "Mr. William, you're too nosy! If there is nothing else, I have to hang up! "Then she hung up the phone.

However, as soon as she hung up the phone, another rang. She was so busy that she sighed secretly, but still answered the phone. She didn't expect that it was Colin's call this time. The two called her one after another. Did they think that she didn't have much work to do today?

"Alline, I'm sorry to trouble you today! "The man's gentle voice finally made Alline feel better.

Alline smiled with frustration. "Colin, you're not a child anymore. Why do you still play such a boring trick! "They both knew what they were talking about. One was the scene they met in the hotel today, and the other was the conversation before the bidding.


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