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Want You in My Life novel Chapter 61

HC City was a good place. It was rich and coastal city. No one didn't want to make some political achievements after taking office. But obviously, this mobilization was one after another with the bidding case. It was obvious that there was something fishy in it, but no one could figure out what it was now, so the case continued calmly.

Hiram was busy so he asked Alline to order takeout. If she had nothing else to do, she could go home early.

After ordering the take out, the dinner for the two of them was settled in the office. Fortunately, the Mo family didn't pay attention to the dinner, because they had dinner in each room at night. Except for when there was a major event to be announced, Ethan informed everyone in advance, so that everyone would have dinner in the main house at night.

After dinner, Alline made a cup of coffee for Hiram. She found that he liked a cup of black coffee very much after dinner. She really didn't know how his stomach could stand it. After making a cup of coffee, she said, "Mr. Hiram, the coffee you want! "

"Alline, if you don't have anything else to do, you can go back early. Jenny can help me here! Rubbing between his eyebrows, Hiram was still reading the case on the Internet, and finding out his own favorable rumors.

At the same time, he began to investigate the new mayor of HC City. He didn't come from a good family, but he had been promoted step by step in the past few years and his official career was smooth. Generally speaking, only the rich second generations like them could have such a good future at his age. However, this person didn't have any financial support or power support behind him. Step by step, he had made great achievements!

Hiram didn't get much information about him. It could be seen that he was ambitious. But what sect did he belong to?

Hiram thought that he had been involved in the business of the Gu family in the past few years and knew something about HC City, but this new mayor who seemed to appear out of nowhere was very different. He rubbed his eyebrows and decided to fly to HC City early tomorrow morning.

If the Gu group wanted to have a firm foothold in HC City, it must get through this relationship.

And if he had the chance, he should go to the Gu family to see the new mayor.

The two of them left the office very late. Since Hiram was a little hungry after a busy night, he took Alline to have midnight snack. Although he didn't say that he wanted to order Alline, she had been busy in the office the whole night to check information for him. The two of them finished their midnight snack, because they were a little full, the two of them went back to the Mo family, hand in hand and walking slowly on the path.

The night was silent. The Mo mansion was quiet. In the distance, there were several lights on, which seemed to break the silence of the night.

"Hiram, why do you come back so late today? It seemed that Vivian just came back and saw two people holding hands and greeting the two with a smile.

"We went out for midnight snack. Vivian, why are you still awake? It was hard to say whether Hiram had a good attitude or not to his cousin. Anyway, he was indifferent. Maybe because he was the eldest son and the eldest grandson, he had been trained more than others since childhood!

"It's too late for me to have a party with my colleagues. Hiram, I heard that you and Alline just came back from HC City today. Have you brought me any gifts? Vivian asked jokingly.

"It won't be without you. I'll have someone send it to you tomorrow! Every time Hiram went out, he would ask people to prepare gifts, and this time was no exception. However, Alline took a look at him in surprise. She didn't expect that this man was so considerate and took good care of his family.

"Okay, thank you, Hiram. I won't bother you anymore. You should go back to sleep early! After saying goodbye to the two people, Vivian left with a smile. It could be seen that she was in a good mood, but her face darkened at once.

Why did Hiram hold that woman's hand? How she wished she could throw that woman out!

That position should be hers, but why was it a strange woman! This woman had a bad temper and a bad family background. She couldn't understand why Hiram married her. The jealousy in her eyes almost burned all her reason.

After they separated from Vivian, the two continued to walk out of the Juan Garden hand in hand. The moonlight was very good tonight, lazily sprinkled on the ground, adding a kind of secluded tranquility to the Mo mansion. Occasionally, flowers brushed along the roadside, which smelled very intoxicating.

Hiram talked to Alline casually. He didn't tell her anything about the case in HC City. Although Alline took over the case not long ago, she was quite concerned about it. She had been busy in the past few days. He didn't want to make trouble again at this time.

"Alline, don't let anyone else know what happened to you in the past except me, understand? It suddenly occurred to Hiram that there was another identity of Alline. Although Cathy tried to hide it for her, she couldn't bear to be used by someone on purpose. If the Mo family knew her previous identity, it would be detrimental to her future life.

In his opinion, since he had married Alline, he would never divorce her.

In the past, Hiram's biggest wish was to marry Emma. After Emma died, he finally gave up. He thought he was the eldest son of the Mo family and had to get married. If he didn't marry that person, he would marry anyone different. He just wanted to muddle along with this idea, because he didn't want to disappoint Emma and was unwilling to let his legs return to their original state.

If it weren't for Alline, he might still be in a wheelchair.

Just because of this, he couldn't let Alline down in his life.


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