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Werewolf Compilations novel Chapter 47

"Katie, I swear, I'm fine." I lie through my teeth. Tyler went off to Moonstone to deal with the Richard ordeal. He'll be back hopefully soon, part of me just misses him terribly. Ever since he left I've been feeling under the weather, of course I always feel sick when he's gone. It's no big deal just a runny nose, sore throat, and headaches. The only thing is Katy's been bothering me about it all day.

I can't even focus on being sick, all I can think about is Richard. What if this isn't just a joke, what if he's really out there. I'm not doubting that Tyler didn't kill him, I'm just worried. The last thing I want is to be pregnant with that psycho maniac running around.

Don't even get me started on the pregnancy. All I can think about is losing it, I think I might be going crazy. I'm so set in my mind that I'm gonna have a miscarriage that I think I'm going to jinx myself.

Since Tyler had to go to moonstone I had to move the appointment with the doctor to next week. I feel like something is wrong with the baby. I found it weird how Tyler can't smell that I'm pregnant. Maybe this baby stronger, or maybe it's weaker.

"Katy I swear to the moon goddess above that I am-" I started coughing my heart out before I could finish.

"Yeah, okay, sure, Anna, you’re fine." Her voice is laced with sarcasm.

"Oh, shut up!" I grumble and throw a pillow at her head.

She rolled her eyes and let out a huff. "Okay, I'll be down stairs making you some soup."

Before she left the room I called out to her. "Sorry! Love you!"

"Yeah, yeah." I heard her mutter.

I laid back against my pillows and pulled the duvet up to my chin. I snatched the remote off the bedside table and started to flick through random channels. My phone started to ring so I set down the remote and answered the call. "Hello?"

"Hey it's just me, I wanted to check up on you." Tyler's voice filled my ears and an immediate smile lit up my face.

"Oh, everything is going well, Katy's just making me food." I inform him while grabbing the remote again and continuing to go through channels.

" I'm sorry I had to leave you; I know your not feeling well." He sweetly apologized.

My heart swelled and I made a weird squeak noise. This guy will be the death of me, I still can't handle when he calls my baby. "No don't worry about me, I mean you already doubled up guards around the territory, I'm sure nothing will get me.

"I should be coming home tomorrow, and when I get back I'll tell you what's happening okay?"


"I love you."

"I-I love you too."

Just like that I no longer heard his voice. I sighed and tossed my phone in the other half of the bed. I hate it when Tyler's gone, I just get so lonely. Out of boredom, I got out of bed and slowly made my way down to the kitchen where Katy was. When I entered she was stirring soup on the stove.


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