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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 164

Chapter 164

Alora’s POV

The last leg of the drive was almost a relief, I hadn’t realized how much I had been missing home. Not until we were almost there. When we first started out this morning, the sun was just coming over the horizon. The hills and the trees changed as the sun gradually rose to the sky, I got some really good pictures as it made it’s journey up.

When we passed by the welcome to the Moon Mountain Pack sign, I felt a sense of relief that my mate and I would be back under our own roof for the night. I hadn’t had the nightmares that I usually had while we had been gone, but that couldn’t last, and I didn’t want to have one outside the safety of my own bedroom.

There was a tap on my shoulder, I looked back at Sunny, she had a complicated look on her face. “What is it?” I asked her.

“I need to visit a lady’s room.” she says.

I frown, trying to figure out what she meant, it only took me a second. “Oh! You need to…okay. I looked at my mate. “Damien, we need to stop at the gas station.” I tell him.

He nods, “Okay, I’m sure everyone needs to stretch their legs, and the Jeep needs gas anyway.” He says.

We pulled into the gas station, it would have only been thirty more minutes till we got to the Mansion, but Sunny’s face said she really needed to go. That and I did as well, they say the further along you get in pregnancy, the more often you would have to go. I hadn’t noticed much change in my bathroom habits till recently. I was only effected a little so far, and for that I was grateful, I was not looking forward to being chained down to bathrooms.


So far there was no morning sickness, or as my mom was calling it, anytime sickness. She said with Kass, she was sick sun up to sun down, and as she was getting sick with this one, she believed it was going to be another girl, because with all her boys, she didn’t have any sickness at all. I was with twins, one female, one male, I didn’t know how that was going to affect me, as it hasn’t yet. I was however starting to become hungry all the time, and my cravings were becoming really weird.

I mean, why in the world would I be craving mustard on a vanilla ice cream cone? It was so weird, and normally would have me gagging at the thought of such a combination. So I decided I would settle for a hotdog with mustered and a pint of vanilla ice cream from the gas station, and maybe some potato chips to go with it….and a dill pickle. Goddess I was craving pickles all the time now, when I looked up why, there was no truly useful information, other than I may be low on sodium.


“What has you annoyed mate?” my mate asked me.

“Pregnancy cravings.” I said, growling a little as I did so.

My mate seemed to freeze up at my growl, I felt his nervousness. I gave him a questioning look with a raised eyebrow, he let out a nervous sounding chuckle “Sorry my sweet Starlight, I think it’s just instinctual for a male to be wary of a pregnant female’s growl. He says, giving me a cautious smile. 2

I laughed, it was so adorable. How was it possible, for him to look so adorable? He was such a sexy hunky Werewolf, he shouldn’t look adorable, but he managed, and I laughed. His mood relaxed, and a loving smile replaced the nervous one that had made me laugh.

He leans over the consul and kisses my cheek. “I love you my beautiful Starlight.” He says to me. His tone and emotions through our bond telling me just how much he was in love with me.

I stopped laughing and gave him a sappy in love smile, it has become my most common expression now days. Sunny opens the door to the Jeep and hops out, bringing mine and Damien’s attention back to what it was we were here for. I hopped out of the jeep just as Beatrice and Serenity joined me. We walked into the store, and head to the bathrooms in back. First to relieve my bladder, then to get food and more drink.

I hadn’t realized how badly I needed to go until I was practically sighing in relief, Sunny actually did sigh in relief. After we got through and washed our hands we started to get food. I wasn’t the only pregnant female, and poor Serenity was right there with me when it came to cravings. She actually got stumped at the pickles, there were the traditional dills, and then there was the spicy dill.

Finally I said. “Grab both, Darien can eat whatever you don’t.”

She smiled brightly. “Thank you.” she says and grabs both.

I grab two of the traditional, then I grabbed two hot dogs with spicy mustard, onion, dill slice, sour croute, and celery salt. I also grabbed a large order of chilly cheese tots. A one liter of Pepsi to go with my food, and a bag of vinegar and salt chips and I was happy. Although Sunny looked at thy choices in horror when I got to the check out counter. I took it that she was not a fan of my food choice combanation right now, she actually looked slightly green at it. Until she got a look


Spicy and traditional pickles, flaming hot Cheetos, a big mountain dew code red. A big thing of nachos with jalapenos, onions and cayenne pepper on top. I looked at Sunny’s haul, she grabbed a big bottled water, a plain mustered and ketchup hot dog and a bag of plain potato chips. Beatrice chose basically the same thing, only she had three hot dogs instead of just the one. The difference between the pregnancy fed choice in food, and the everyday choice was glaringly obvious right now.


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