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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 165

Chapter 165

Damien’s POV

One moment the other males and I were laughing and joking around, in the next while our females were walking back with food and drink, there were earth shaking explosions. Black smoke filled the air, it burned the eyes and nose, making it hard to see and impossible to smell anything. I could barely hear anything through the ringing in my ears.

All I could think about was Alora and our pups growing inside her. I had to get to her. Every time I tried to step forward another bomb would land shaking the ground, and black smoke would plum out in a toxic cloud. I was able to get a glimpse across the parking lot, in the direction I last saw Alora. She was on the ground,

blood pooling around her head, Sunny was on the ground next to her, and the other females.

When I tried to feel her through our bond, to make sue she was still alive, I came up against blank space. Another bomb dropped as I was paralyzed for a moment with my anguish at our bond being blank. The bomb’s plum of smoke blocked the sight of my mate, I let our a roar, calling her name. I went to move around this

new bomb, only to have more start dropping.


Zane like me, was desperate to get to our mate. “Let me out, let me out.” he growls, his desperation in his voice.

We transform, I let Zane out, now that we are on four large paws instead of two feet, we were more stable. We were crawling forward, Xander and Darien, Jaxon and Victor, all in there wolf forms like me, following behind. The bombs finally stop falling and we were able to work our way through the smoke to where our females

had been.

“Sunny!” Asher screamed, he’d been following behind us.

We got to the females, they were all down on the ground, their purchases scattered around them, except one. Alora was gone. Running forward I try to scent for her, but all I could smell is the smoke from the bombs. I tried to reach for her through our link, but I came up against that blank space again. We looked around, we tried

picking up her scent again from the pool of blood still on the ground were we had seen her, but every time we moved away from the blood we lost her scent.


“Sunny, Sunny wake up, wake up!” came Asher’s frantic voice.

There were whines coming from Axel, Darien’s wolf, who was alternating between nuzzling his mate and licking her face, whining again when his mate didn’t get up..

Darius, Xander’s wolf, was doing the same, Vash and Bruno were sniffing Alora’s blood and doing what I was doing trying to find her scent.


“We can’t feel her, why can’t we feel our mate through our bond!” Came Xander’s frantic mind link, while Darius was whining and pacing around his mate.

“I don’t know, neither Zane or I can feel Alora.” I growl back, my panic and aguish increasing with every second I couldn’t find Alora. Not knowing what else to do at

the moment Zane and I sit down next to the pool of Alora’s blood, and we howled our pain loudly. I knew it would be heard through all our Pack’s lands.


The store clerk is running out now, he looks frantic. “Clan Alpha, Clan Alpha were are you Clan Alpha!” he was a Heartsong, and I knew he was looking for Alora.

This caused me to howl another time, tears sprung up in the clerks eyes at the sound of my pain, looking at him I realize he’s just a pup. His eyes glaze, and I know he’s contacting his family.

**We can’t get Serenity to wake up! I can’t feel her through our bond!” Darien calls to me through our family link.

“Son what’s going on! I heard your howl, where’s Alora! Is she alright!” My mom demanded, sounding frantic.

Darius and Axel let out matching pain filled howls, calling to our families for help. The pup from the store is crying


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