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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 166

Chapter 166

Alora’s POV

Agony wracked my body as the drugs burned through my system, they spread a spell in my blood stream as they made their way through me, this was the first thing 1 became aware of as I regained consciousness. I concentrated on what the drugs were and the spell they brought were doing to my body. The drugs paralyzed me initially, and knocked me unconscious, preventing my natural ability to block the spells they laid down after.

With the spells I felt chains wrapping around Selena and Xena. They were no where near as strong as the ones that had trapped them originally. If I had my strength we could have easily broken them, but that was why the drugs, the magic left behind carried the feel of black magic. Knowing this allowed me to guess at who my

capture was.

I became aware of the cold stone my back was against, and the chains wrapped around my arms holding my body up, and cuffs around my ankles. I seemed to be hanging from the chains wrapped around my arms, so I knew I was against a wall. I probably wouldn’t be staying against this wall for long after I was awake,

1 especially if my capturer was who I thought she was.

The drugs kept my body limp, and I kept my breathing deep and calm, as if still unconscious. I was able to analyze the content of the drugs as they finished laying down their spell. I felt it the moment my limbs were no longer paralyzed by the drugs, but I might as well have been a human child with the weakness they left behind.

If they used the same formula again it wouldn’t work, but the damage was already done. I was more grateful now then ever before that I had set up the safe guards

that I had. It might be awhile before I could get myself out, but I would.

I tried to break through the spell keeping me from my mate, but it was no use, I was too weak at the moment, and my magic was blocked as well, I couldn’t even draw from the rings, that was when I realized they were no longer on my fingers.

Those rings had so much power stored in them, they would be dangerous in the hand of anyone with ill intent. Then I remembered that only a blood relation would

be able to use them, that didn’t make me feel much better. The only consolation was Sarah wouldn’t be able to use the power in them against me.


Luckily the spell meant to keep me from communicating with my other selves was unable to actually do so. It was the only one of the spells we were able to avoid, because we already had a defense against this spell. It had the same components to the one placed on us at infancy. I was able to take my self to our space, they were not able to separate it, no one could, not now that it’s already melded together once.

Selena was still in a meditative pose, the spherical balls of power representing our pups still in front of her. But now there were black chains coming from the ground to wrap around her, holding her in place. Xena had a thick chunky black metal collar, and multiple chains came from the ground, connecting to the collar, holding her in place.

We were well and truly trapped here for the moment. I looked at the floating spheres of power in front to Selena, just staring at them, absorbing the importance of their lives. A determination started to solidify, becoming something unbreakable.

I looked up and met both Selena and Xena’s gazes. I saw the same determination blazing out of their eyes, felt it in our combined emotions. We will do everything within our power to make sure our pups survived.

I was yanked out of my space by an ice cold splash of water, my eyes were still closed when I heard what sounded like a metal pail slam onto the ground. After the sound came a hard slap to my face then the furiously growled words.

“Wake up whore! It’s been three days and I’m tired of waiting! When I didn’t immediately respond another slap came, this time to my other cheek. “Wake up you



I lift my head and glare at her, I immediately focus on the chain around her neck, she’s wearing my rings on a necklace around her neck. If my hand were free I’d rip

them from her throat.

Seeing that I was glairing at her infuriated her more, so she slapped me again, I felt my lip split and blood started to drip down my chin. I snarled at her, and tried to jerk forward, but the chains kept me against the wall.

She s’aps me again. “Bitch who do you think you are!” another slap. “Your nothing!” slap. “Trash!” slap. “Nothing but a whorel slap. “You deserve everything I’m going to do to yout’ stay, slap, slap


Finally she steps back, breathing heavy, a look of insanity and a sick fervor in her eyes. She actually seemed to get a high out of torturing people, I truly believed she was addicted to it. (1)


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