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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Unknown POV

We had been walking back to the dorms from our morning training session, when I felt it. It was a deep visceral pain that dropped me to my knees. It radiated out of my chest. It took me a moment to realize I was not feeling my pain. No, this was from the woman who’s rejection I refused. I was still bonded to her, and could still feel her pain. (3

Something has happened to her, something bad, it feels as though her soul is being ripped out, taking mine with it. I wanted desperately to go to her. But I knew she wouldn’t want to see me. Her friend Sarah had made that clear the last time I tried to talk to her.

I still haven’t accepted her rejection.

I still won’t. My best friend kneels down next to me. “What’s wrong, what has happened.” He demands, forever the Alpha. “Something has happened to her, she’s in so much pain.” I tell him. The pain continues on for only a little while longer before it stops abruptly, like she passed out. My friend looks at me. “I’m going to give dad a call and find out what’s going on at home.” I nod, and I’ll text the only ally there I seceretly had in the bid to claim my mate.

Alora’s POV

After we ate lunch we all went back to the school’s Coliseum together. The Principal and Elder Silas joining the Alpha and Luna. Serenity, Kian, and Galan’s parents were now seated with them as well. Strangely, Lauren, Agatha, and Beatrice were being exempted from finishing the exam


due to special circumstances.

During this time, a lot of the lower level wolves used these fights to advance in rank, further than they’re last fights did. This tournament was like the ones the Pack holds yearly for the soldiers, if they did really well, this was an opportunity to earn an advancement in rank.

We needed to be able to match a wolves skills, to where they would better support the Pack. So when it came to leadership, your intelligence was just as important a factor. The Training Masters of the pack were comprised of the toughest wolves in the pack, they were also very intelligent and came from generations of training masters, most having received their position from their fathers or mothers, who were given it by their fathers or mothers, and so an and so forth.

The Alpha positions were kept indefinitely until you either, died, retired, or was challenged for your position. Most Alpha’s, like the trainers, are from generations of Alpha’s. With a few exceptions, like me now. But you were only able to

challenge an Alpha once every five years. If you lost your match, you had to wait five years before being able to challenge that Alpha again. You were also, only able to challenge the same Alpha three times in your lifetime.

I watched the wolves who have trained hard in the last three months, make leaps and bounds up the ranks. They all we’re usually wolves whose power and or growth came to them late. Or are just now finding their determination, having finally decided where at in the Pack they wanted to be. There was also the wolves who have been focused more on their

studies than on fight training. 2

This year had seen the biggest improvement, and the most change, of every werewolf in their Senior year. It has been amazing to watch, even if I wasn’t a part of any of it, but I had been watching from the shadows, secretly cheering on my fellow pack members.

This year had seen a lot of change in me too. I was only beginning to realize that it was because I had come into my own as an Alpha. Not just because I was exceedingly good at combat, but because it had always been my destiny to be an Alpha. Aaaaand I now have a Mansion and more money than I will ever know what to do with. I literally, have no idea what to do with that kind of wealth. I mean, sure, the income I’ll get working at the lab will be very lucrative.


Enough to get me a large plot of land and a really nice house, and to support a family. I paused, saddened If there will be a family now, is what goes through my mind. That leaves me to wallow for a moment, but I don’t allow myself to fall into despair. I would not ever again allow myself to fall into that dark abyss again, because I was an Alpha, I had a responsibility to my Pack. I’ve never felt as strong as I do now, It was an incredible feeling. 2


When it came time for Serenity’s match I looked at Darien, he was drooling. The desire in his eyes as he looked at Serenity was electric, his attention entirely focused on her as she fought. I bet she could feel his gaze on her, it had to be intense. It makes me long to feel that kind of connection with my own male. I was hoping the Moon Goddess will bless us with a second chance mate.

For Jaxon, who I was now keeping an eye on, as he’s a really close cousin to Serenity, and her brothers. He was the same age as the Twins, being raised together made him like another brother to them. He was to fight Garrett, Jamison, Lexus and me. Lexus’s fourth opponent was Jamison. Jamison’s fourth opponent was, Mason. Garrett and Mason as the bottom two ranks of the class only had three opponents to fight, and were each others third battle


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